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Fracking in Sheffield?

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You're focussed a little too much on consumer prices IMO. Oil prices might not have dropped when the North sea came on tap, but then OPEC were in a position to largely control the global sale price of oil. On the other hand, the country took massive amounts of corporation tax from the companies licensed (which they paid for) to extract the oil.

We all profited. Whether the government spent that income wisely is a different question, but as a country we definitely benefited from it. (Plus all the economic side effects of the people being employed, paying PAYE, spending money in Aberdeen, etc...).


Well you were well and truly sucked in weren't you :rolleyes:. If we made so much money how come the PM went borrowing money when all was in full flow? Come on tell us in your infinite wisdom what did the government do with all this money as gas and oil didn't come down in price.


The Tories must love people like you for making excuses for the fat cats. It was all sold off cheap to the fat cats before it even started to flow! I was studying as a heating engineer and went to a lecture on North sea gas for the coming 70s, it was stated that even at a charge of 1/5 of a penny a therm profits would be higher than the current system, prices stayed and always have been far higher than 1/5of a penny per therm. So come on fan of the fat cats do tell us what would we have been like without North sea gas & oil (soup kitchens, bread lines, riots etc)?


---------- Post added 01-08-2013 at 09:10 ----------


But increased prices during the weekdays according to the Metro free paper this morning.


"British Gas is planning to offer customers “free electricity” on Saturdays, when national power demand is lower, in a radical step that could reduce the strain on the power grid during the week."


Does that mean people will freeze to death all week, not do the washing and cooking etc so they can get free power at the weekend?


Don't bother people on here will still make excuses for the rip offs.

Edited by Peer Gynt
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Has anyone seen this story:


Lord Howell, the ex Thatcher minister and father-in-law of George Osborne said that the north east is ripe for fracking because "it is desolate", unlike where his lordship lives in the "beautiful rural areas of the south". When he realised what offence he caused by the murmers of disapproval from his peers, he said that he meant the north west, not the north east.


Stupid fracker.



Edited by Mister M
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Well you were well and truly sucked in weren't you :rolleyes:. If we made so much money how come the PM went borrowing money when all was in full flow? Come on tell us in your infinite wisdom what did the government do with all this money as gas and oil didn't come down in price.


The Tories must love people like you for making excuses for the fat cats. It was all sold off cheap to the fat cats before it even started to flow! I was studying as a heating engineer and went to a lecture on North sea gas for the coming 70s, it was stated that even at a charge of 1/5 of a penny a therm profits would be higher than the current system, prices stayed and always have been far higher than 1/5of a penny per therm. So come on fan of the fat cats do tell us what would we have been like without North sea gas & oil (soup kitchens, bread lines, riots etc)?


---------- Post added 01-08-2013 at 09:10 ----------



Don't bother people on here will still make excuses for the rip offs.


Like I already said, I wasn't born at that time, so I couldn't be sucked in.


I don't know why you need me to tell you, or think that I can tell you how things would have been different without the oil. But the country would have been much poorer, extrapolate that into whatever you want.

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Like I already said, I wasn't born at that time, so I couldn't be sucked in.


I don't know why you need me to tell you, or think that I can tell you how things would have been different without the oil. But the country would have been much poorer, extrapolate that into whatever you want.

It's obvious that you weren't born then, and the country couldn't have been much poorer considering the pound was devalued and the Prime Minister went cap in hand in the late 70s to the world bank.


So all the self harmers believe that we all made lots of money from the North Sea and that without North Sea we'd have been on par with third world countries.


Obviously still believing in the tooth fairy.:rolleyes:

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North Sea revenues were piddled up the wall.




Are we richer for the revenue? Probably not. It's all been spent on a consumerist boom that has also fuelled corporate, national and personal debt to eye watering levels.

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Very interesting story today:


British Gas plans to offer 'free electricity' on Saturdays




In the world of free offers, nothing is ever really free. The catch is that British Gas will insist on you having a smart meter, then charge more for peak time electricity.


No one can insist that you get a smart meter against your will and at the moment the smart money is on not having one.

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It's obvious that you weren't born then, and the country couldn't have been much poorer considering the pound was devalued and the Prime Minister went cap in hand in the late 70s to the world bank.


So all the self harmers believe that we all made lots of money from the North Sea and that without North Sea we'd have been on par with third world countries.


Obviously still believing in the tooth fairy.:rolleyes:


I realise you're just exaggerating to try to make a point, but nobody made a claim even remotely resembling that, so you just look silly.

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