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Fracking in Sheffield?

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North Sea revenues were piddled up the wall.




Are we richer for the revenue? Probably not. It's all been spent on a consumerist boom that has also fuelled corporate, national and personal debt to eye watering levels.


I can't wait for nuclear power, they've promised it will be too cheap to meter!

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I can't wait for nuclear power, they've promised it will be too cheap to meter!


If we had an integrated energy policy governments would have used some north sea revenue for nuclear clean up costs. As it I'd we've put nothing away and wasted the whole lot.


As it stands we've extracted the oil, spent all the money, unbalanced the economy and loaded future generations with debt.



History is not going to judge UK governments from the 70s very well.

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Drilling begins:




And to the lady in the BBC's picture, 82% don't say "no" like you claim, 14% did.


And an interesting article here:


Fracking protest divides Balcombe village



And Balcombe resident Jacky Hall said the protesters were "primarily outsiders".
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>> Balcombe resident Jacky Hall said the protesters were "primarily outsiders". <<




What does it matter if they were outsiders or insiders?

The point is that some people are just too dumb and stupid to know what is happening under their noses, or care what the future holds for their children and grandchildren, and if it wasn't for ''outsiders' they would already have been lined up for the chip. Can't they see what is happening around them?

Houses repossessed and Capitalist investments abroad taking the ability to earn and put bread in our children's mouths. Record number of people homeless and living on the streets having to rely on food aid. Do you think this will not happen to us??? Carry on vilifying the outsiders who are fighting for us, and see where it all ends!

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Houses repossessed and Capitalist investments abroad taking the ability to earn and put bread in our children's mouths. Record number of people homeless and living on the streets having to rely on food aid. Do you think this will not happen to us??? Carry on vilifying the outsiders who are fighting for us, and see where it all ends!


Crumbs, and I thought they were just exploratory drilling for shale gas.

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I realise you're just exaggerating to try to make a point, but nobody made a claim even remotely resembling that, so you just look silly.

Not as silly as those who'll sit back and wait for the rewards from fracking.


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 15:53 ----------


Another point, made in newspaper reports and on BBC Radio news: coal extraction in the North was perfectly acceptable, and it provided lots of spinoff benefits (not the least being major employment). So why's fracking different, eh?

Exactly, just as long as this time we all benefit.

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Another point, made in newspaper reports and on BBC Radio news: coal extraction in the North was perfectly acceptable, and it provided lots of spinoff benefits (not the least being major employment). So why's fracking different, eh?


One part of the answer is inside your brackets. How many jobs will fracking create?


I'll lay a tenner it's a pretty small fraction of the number that were employed in mining coal.

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Another point, made in newspaper reports and on BBC Radio news: coal extraction in the North was perfectly acceptable, and it provided lots of spinoff benefits (not the least being major employment). So why's fracking different, eh?



Live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself?

or should that be....

Live now, pay later, eh?

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