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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Politicians,thier puppet scientists,and corporations will all tell us damage will be minimal.....how long before sinkholes begin to appear in the uk once fracking starts,suck the life out beneath your feet and eventually a hole will suck in all around it.


Except the fat cats living in tax havens who've sucked up all the profits leaving Joe Public to pick up the tab..

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Politicians,thier puppet scientists,and corporations will all tell us damage will be minimal.....how long before sinkholes begin to appear in the uk once fracking starts,suck the life out beneath your feet and eventually a hole will suck in all around it.


Yes they will and already have started telling us just that.

How long before somebody becomes ill and then How long before the first lawsuit ?how long after until 'it wasn't us, but here have some cash and don't speak of it again'?

How long will the damage scar the countryside and the poisons sit in the land?


But hey ho, theres cash to be made so the naysayers will be steamrolled by corporations and their puppets.

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Yes they will and already have started telling us just that.

How long before somebody becomes ill and then How long before the first lawsuit ?how long after until 'it wasn't us, but here have some cash and don't speak of it again'?

How long will the damage scar the countryside and the poisons sit in the land?


But hey ho, theres cash to be made so the naysayers will be steamrolled by corporations and their puppets.


Genuine question...were you this concerned about the environmental damage from coal mines..?

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And the rent-a-rabble continue to descend there:




Reclaim the Power will now join the anti-fracking protests in Balcombe, West Sussex. The decision to move from West Burton is in response to the call for support from the community in Balcombe, a community on the front lines of the Dash for Gas.


You mean the community where only a minority bothered to return their survey regarding concerns about fracking?

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Genuine question...were you this concerned about the environmental damage from coal mines..?


Yes, coal mines have been around long before you or I however.

also there is a distinct difference between mining and fracking.

I have objections to strip mines more so than other types.


I more object to the chemicals used and the lying and political bull****.

It just seems oh so pointless to continue with the likes of this form of energy when there are far cleaner and more powerful alternatives.

It seems like a very victorianesque aspiration, we know how polluting oil and coal and gas is compared to other forms of energy but big business and politics will still scheme and conspire till the bitter end.

If they put half as much time and effort into encouraging alternatives as they do fossil fuels we'd likely never consider fracking as an option.

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Yes, coal mines have been around long before you or I however.

also there is a distinct difference between mining and fracking.

I have objections to strip mines more so than other types.


I more object to the chemicals used and the lying and political bull****.

It just seems oh so pointless to continue with the likes of this form of energy when there are far cleaner and more powerful alternatives.

It seems like a very victorianesque aspiration, we know how polluting oil and coal and gas is compared to other forms of energy but big business and politics will still scheme and conspire till the bitter end.

If they put half as much time and effort into encouraging alternatives as they do fossil fuels we'd likely never consider fracking as an option.


You must be a supporter of the nuclear industry ...

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You must be a supporter of the nuclear industry ...


More so than the fracking industry. to be honest I'm not really a supporter of any of them. I just don't see the logic of going down the knowingly and purposefully polluting route. nothings perfect but I'm sure fracking isn't the best of a bad bunch.

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I wonder how may people are aware for how long fracking in the North Sea has been going on....?


Fracking in the North Sea has far less scope to pollute fresh water supplies than that on land.

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