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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Maybe, maybe, some people were really sucked in or will just say owt for an argument.

It's only your opinion that says it's otherwise.

Do you keep sharing that opinion simply to argue?


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:27 ----------



So where did the money go from the sell off of the shares?

To the government obviously.


Don't recall gas & Oil being cheaper but I do recall our PM going to the world Bank to borrow money when North Sea was in full flow.

Yes it did us a lot of good I don't think.:loopy:

If we hadn't had the oil then he would have have to borrow more.


BTW You're not one of those who likes giving overseas aid to African despots as well are you?


Try to stick to the topic.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 09:49 ----------


I'm not really interested I'm just trying to get people aware of the danger of being ripped off again like they were with North Sea Oil & Gas..


You're not interested in what you're quoting?


Perhaps you'll make more sense if you take an interest and actually respond to what is being said, instead of just banging your drum.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 09:51 ----------


'We' being the shareholders?


Do you think you should get more than you got as a shareholder or more than those who had not risked their capital got?


We being the country from which the resources are extracted and in the case of on-shore drilling the communities in the area that are exposed to some risk by the process.

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Maybe, maybe, some people were really sucked in or will just say owt for an argument.


Lets move on from the school playground style of debate. One where an assertion was made, the assertion was challenged, then the person who made original assertion insults the challenger.


Maybe we can try a new style of debate? Similar to the one above apart from one crucial difference, the person who made the original assertion comes up with some information to back up their assertion when they are challenged.

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Maybe, maybe, some people were really sucked in or will just say owt for an argument.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:27 ----------



(1) So where did the money go from the sell off of the shares?


Don't recall gas & Oil being cheaper but (2) I do recall our PM going to the world Bank to borrow money when North Sea was in full flow.

Yes it did us a lot of good I don't think.:loopy:


3. BTW You're not one of those who likes giving overseas aid to African despots as well are you?


(1) The government spent it. Just like they spend the rest of the money they take from you.


(2) Some governments can spend money faster than I (and perhaps you) can imagine.


(3.) That depends. Where can I sign up to be classified as a worthy (and friendly) African despot?


(If you read my post on the subject of Aid in another thread, you would be aware that I think it should be handed out sparingly - and only to people who could be classified as 'friends' of the UK, not to its enemies - as apparently happens at the moment.)


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 13:52 ----------


Moving back on to the actual business of fracking, on a FB page about Balcombe, a resident has claimed that "flakes" are coming out of her taps, and is blaming the fracking.


But aren't they only drilling test holes there?


Are there many flakes in Balcombe?


Are there as many flakes as there are fruits and nuts?


If so, should Balcombe be re-named 'Granola'?

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Moving back on to the actual business of fracking, on a FB page about Balcombe, a resident has claimed that "flakes" are coming out of her taps, and is blaming the fracking.


But aren't they only drilling test holes there?


They haven't started fracking yet as I understand it...just test boring..

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Anyway, 'we' [= the UK's residents] gain even if not owning shares in the fracking companies.

We gain because:

a. HMG's tax base is enhanced; and

b. our energy needs are met more securely.


Despite the future health of our children being compromised?

What the heck... live now pay later?

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Anyway, 'we' [= the UK's residents] gain even if not owning shares in the fracking companies.

We gain because:

a. HMG's tax base is enhanced; and

b. our energy needs are met more securely.

Oh our tax base is to be enhanced, who for the fat cats with yet more reductions at the top?


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 19:26 ----------


Lets move on from the school playground style of debate. One where an assertion was made, the assertion was challenged, then the person who made original assertion insults the challenger.


Maybe we can try a new style of debate? Similar to the one above apart from one crucial difference, the person who made the original assertion comes up with some information to back up their assertion when they are challenged.


So if our PM went cap in hand to the world bank when North Sea Oil & Gas was in full flow, please, please and even pretty please tell me just where did all the North Sea money go if the country was in such a poor financial state.

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How do you propose we fill the "energy gap"...? Genuine question...


We are a windy Island surrounded by water? Wind Power and Hydra Power..


In the UK we actually receive around two thirds of the solar irradiation experienced at the equator. Whilst no-one can claim that the UK can benefit from solar energy to the same extent as say, Kenya, there are still significant amounts of free energy that a modern system can exploit with a high degree of efficiency. New technologies mean that solar energy can be harnessed more effectively now than ever before.

We receive between 900 and 1200 kWh per square metre each year

A Photovoltaic requires only daylight rather than direct sunlight and can still generate electricity on cloudy days. In fact due to the reflection of sunlight, days with partial cloud can actually result in higher electricity yields than cloudless days?


If the Government was honest and serious about reducing our dependency on produced Gas and Electricity then we would all be 'given' solar panels, which would reduce national grid consumption by at least two thirds, but then again?

It would mean reduced profit for the Capitalists.

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