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Fracking in Sheffield?

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So if our PM went cap in hand to the world bank when North Sea Oil & Gas was in full flow, please, please and even pretty please tell me just where did all the North Sea money go if the country was in such a poor financial state.


Good I knew you could do it, so then, lets examine your case.


What were the receipts from the oil when the PM went to the World Bank; you know just so we can confirm your assertion that the oil was in full flow. How long had the oil been in full flow as well, was is long enough to make a difference, again, when the PM went to the World Bank.

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We are a windy Island surrounded by water? Wind Power and Hydra Power..


In the UK we actually receive around two thirds of the solar irradiation experienced at the equator. Whilst no-one can claim that the UK can benefit from solar energy to the same extent as say, Kenya, there are still significant amounts of free energy that a modern system can exploit with a high degree of efficiency. New technologies mean that solar energy can be harnessed more effectively now than ever before.

We receive between 900 and 1200 kWh per square metre each year

A Photovoltaic requires only daylight rather than direct sunlight and can still generate electricity on cloudy days. In fact due to the reflection of sunlight, days with partial cloud can actually result in higher electricity yields than cloudless days?


If the Government was honest and serious about reducing our dependency on produced Gas and Electricity then we would all be 'given' solar panels, which would reduce national grid consumption by at least two thirds, but then again?

It would mean reduced profit for the Capitalists.


How much of the photo energy recieved can be converted to useable power?


Wind power is very hit and miss...


What do you mean by "Hydra Power" ..Tidal?


The "Capitalists" would be making money supplying the equipment for renewable energy..


Where would the money come from for the government to "give" us solar panels?


UK power usage is approx 40-45 gigawatts at any point during the day..can renewables supply this consistently if at all? All genuine questions...

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We are a windy Island surrounded by water? Wind Power and Hydra Power..


In the UK we actually receive around two thirds of the solar irradiation experienced at the equator. Whilst no-one can claim that the UK can benefit from solar energy to the same extent as say, Kenya, there are still significant amounts of free energy that a modern system can exploit with a high degree of efficiency. New technologies mean that solar energy can be harnessed more effectively now than ever before.

We receive between 900 and 1200 kWh per square metre each year

A Photovoltaic requires only daylight rather than direct sunlight and can still generate electricity on cloudy days. In fact due to the reflection of sunlight, days with partial cloud can actually result in higher electricity yields than cloudless days?


If the Government was honest and serious about reducing our dependency on produced Gas and Electricity then we would all be 'given' solar panels, which would reduce national grid consumption by at least two thirds, but then again?

It would mean reduced profit for the Capitalists.


It wouldn't reduce peak load, the important figure, at all...


Peak load comes in the winter, when it's dark at 1600, and cold. And it's most cold in the periods when the air is very still, so no wind either.


Then everyone gets home from work, puts on the lights (it's dark), puts on the cookers, the kettles, the televisions and the computers...


Solar panels, no matter how many we have, and wind power, no matter how many turbines we have, cannot provide base load capacity.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 22:54 ----------


Good I knew you could do it, so then, lets examine your case.


What were the receipts from the oil when the PM went to the World Bank; you know just so we can confirm your assertion that the oil was in full flow. How long had the oil been in full flow as well, was is long enough to make a difference, again, when the PM went to the World Bank.


The income from NSO in the last 3 decades (for the government) was about £300 billion. I can't say how that breaks down, but it obviously averages £10billion/year. (Not sure if that was inflation adjusted to be at todays £ or if that was an absolute total).

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Who care if its good or bad, as if anyone has any influence on corporate decisions! Maybe it is the perfect signal that all cheap oil is now over, as fracking is expensive, and thus informs us of the future.


Let us continue to burn fossil fuels who gives a monkey about the environment when cash, profit and bonuses are the issue.


You can have your opinions but no power at all, you live in a corporate world where politicians are their puppets, and you are the suckers paying for it anyway. So smile! Wake up and smell the wonder of others having fresh banknotes.

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Anyone in favour of this must have a financial interest, it makes no sense otherwise and i wont accept arguments to the contrary. It's environmental suicide for our nation, nothing more nor less.


If you're in favour you are an environmental terrorist.

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Anyone in favour of this must have a financial interest, it makes no sense otherwise and i wont accept arguments to the contrary. It's environmental suicide for our nation, nothing more nor less.


If you're in favour you are an environmental terrorist.


Then you're a blinkered, ignorant fool.

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Anyway, 'we' [= the UK's residents] gain even if not owning shares in the fracking companies.

We gain because:

a. HMG's tax base is enhanced; and

b. our energy needs are met more securely.


Wow more money for the Overseas Aid hand outs.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 14:59 ----------


You're a fool if you think everyone who disagrees with you is somehow invested in fracking.


The real fools are those who're happy that fat cats are handed our assets for peanuts as they were over North Sea Oil & Gas.

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Then you're a blinkered, ignorant fool.


Who did you say was the blinkered ignorant fool?


Take a peek at this..................


Corporate scum bags have been raping this earth for to long now, Whilst holding back alternative- FREE energy. Solar, Hydra and Wind. Seriously!....these Companies, our Governments, Courts and Media are all in bed with each other! Wake up man! That's how this FARM works, They cover each others backsides

Edited by catpus
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