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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Nothing is ever 100% safe. You're arguing to ban everything because there could be some small risk?


Globally millions of people starve every year. Nearly a billion are undernourished.


There are low carbon ways of heating homes, like heat pumps, I haven't heard of any carbon neutral methods, unless they cheat & call wood burning stoves carbon neutral. Building homes isn't carbon neutral either, neither is food production & distribution.


Wood burning is carbon neutral because you are constantly growing and burning wood, the tree takes CO2 out of the atmosphere, its then released back to the atmosphere during burning and then used once more whilst the trees grow. Transportation of food uses more energy than growing it so it makes sense to grow it near the population using it.

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We should have stopped mining coal 100 year ago, but I can live with Nuclear.


I can live without them all, but I can't live if our water is polluted and the climate is destroyed.


You probably can't really live without them... You might survive, but it wouldn't be much of a life.


---------- Post added 23-08-2013 at 10:31 ----------


I haven't claimed that fracking isn't safe, I have claimed it can and does interfere with water supplies, and can and does increase the levels of atmospheric green houses gasses. Both statements are fact and supported by evidence.

I'll go back and see if I can find where you appear to conflate the two.


So how does proof that one particular experimental technique leaks gas, prove your other assertions here?


---------- Post added 23-08-2013 at 10:34 ----------


Why don't you post some Proper peer reviewed papers to prove that fracking is 100% safe and in no way contributes to climate change by releasing methan into the atmosphere.

I thought I'd see it. Here you conflate the release of methane with safety.


The rest of the argument stems from this in that you continue to argue about the release of methane (based on an apparently flawed study). Having deflected the topic from the actual issue of safety.


I don't think it's really worth arguing about methane release at all... It appears that all fossil fuel extraction releases methane, and cow farts release nearly as much!

Does fracking release more than alternatives, probably not.

Does the release of methane mean that it's somehow unsafe, definitely not.

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You probably can't really live without them... You might survive, but it wouldn't be much of a life.

I suppose that depends on what you value most from life.


I'll go back and see if I can find where you appear to conflate the two.


So how does proof that one particular experimental technique leaks gas, prove your other assertions here?


Its not just one particular experimental technique that leaks gas, the very nature of fracking causes gas to leak into the atmosphere, its unavoidable.


---------- Post added 23-08-2013 at 10:38 ----------


Wood burning isn't carbon neutral because it'd be constantly growing & not being burnt otherwise.


Trees don't grow for ever, they die and decay releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere, burning them just spreads up the process, young growing trees also use more CO2 than old trees.

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I suppose that depends on what you value most from life.




Its not just one particular experimental technique that leaks gas, the very nature of fracking causes gas to leak into the atmosphere, its unavoidable.


It's not just fracking. The leaks come from the extraction & distribution of gas & oil by any method. Seals on pipes not being 100% perfect & stuff like that.


The losses are small & falling, even in the most alarmist studies.

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I thought I'd see it. Here you conflate the release of methane with safety.


It is you conflating the two, I say one thing and your confusion conflates it with something else.


---------- Post added 23-08-2013 at 10:42 ----------


It's not just fracking. The leaks come from the extraction & distribution of gas & oil by any method. Seals on pipes not being 100% perfect & stuff like that.


The losses are small & falling, even in the most alarmist studies.

Where's the evidence to support that stance and don't repost your last link which were just estimates.

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They're all just estimates, that's what you don't seem to understand. There is no way to completely accurately measure something like that. The fixes are cost effective, since they get to sell the gas that didn't leak, that's the biggest piece of evidence that they'll be doing their best to reduce leaks.


Methane only has a temporary effect on global warming anyway, any released will turn into CO2 & water in a few years, much faster if we burn it.

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They're all just estimates, that's what you don't seem to understand. There is no way to completely accurately measure something like that. The fixes are cost effective, since they get to sell the gas that didn't leak, that's the biggest piece of evidence that they'll be doing their best to reduce leaks.

That statement comes from your confusion, I haven't attempted to give a figure for the amount that leaks into the atmosphere, which would imply I have no idea how much leaks into the atmosphere, I also know that no one else knows how much leaks into the atmosphere, I just know that it does and until the fracking industry can give a definitive answer to the question then I have no reason to support fracking.

Methane only has a temporary effect on global warming anyway, any released will turn into CO2 & water in a few years, much faster if we burn it.



And whilst its locked away in the shale rock it as no affect on global warming, so from a global warming point of view its best to leave it were it is. Its also significantly better at trapping heat than CO2 so any increase could be considered bad.

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