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Fracking in Sheffield?

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I think their logic behind it is, for example...the channel tunnel, they invested a bunch of money for it initially, then a couple decades later, they sell it off for a massive profit...when they go on to reinvest that cash in other projects that will end up making them a bunch of profit for the Government.


They're not as daft as they look/act/sound.

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It's just licences for prospecting but every fracking site will be a battlefield for protestors and the frackers.


Nobody really wants it happening near them. Think of the effect on house prices.


It will unite the swampy types and home owners like nothing before.


And there is just one hidden cost, besides the cost of rigorous environmental regulation. There just won't be enough coppers and G4S bods to secure and police the whole thing.

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It's just licences for prospecting but every fracking site will be a battlefield for protestors and the frackers.


Nobody really wants it happening near them. Think of the effect on house prices.


It will unite the swampy types and home owners like nothing before.


And there is just one hidden cost, besides the cost of rigorous environmental regulation. There just won't be enough coppers and G4S bods to secure and police the whole thing.


And after they've protested about fracking, they can go and protest about the exponential growth of gas prices because supply is being limited.

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What's the meaning of this?


What is the meaning of a threat that unless people accept fracking they will face energy prices rises, when even with fracking there is no evidence that energy prices will be reduced?


We'll see how the David Bellamy types react when after opposing cleaner energy like wind farms they are faced with a patchwork quilt of fracking sites on their doorstep.


They'll be lining up with swampy on the front line, trust me. Higher energy bills or not.

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What is the meaning of a threat that unless people accept fracking they will face energy prices rises, when even with fracking there is no evidence that energy prices will be reduced?


We'll see how the David Bellamy types react when after opposing cleaner energy like wind farms they are faced with a patchwork quilt of fracking sites on their doorstep.


They'll be lining up with swampy on the front line, trust me. Higher energy bills or not.


Who's to say these protesters wouldn't protest big wind turbines on their doorstep if it wasn't a fracking site?

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Who's to say these protesters wouldn't protest big wind turbines on their doorstep if it wasn't a fracking site?


The proof is in the pudding.


The UK now has some pretty big onshore and offshore wind farms with more planned.


Where were the protestors, the camps, the enraged faux eco-types when these things were being put in?


The answer is they were mostly pottering about at home happy because the things were nowhere near them, in the sea or in windy (mostly northern) parts of the UK. Yeah, they might have occasionally got tetchy about the prospect of some rare birds flying into turbine blades, maybe got a TV appearance fee or maybe a fee for writing an article in the Daily Mail but seriously where were the protest camps? Were they camping out for days, weeks opposing the evil wind turbines? Like hell they were. Remote mock rage. Fake anger at its worst.


But I'll say it again, when fracking sites are planned in there will be some very unhappy home owners. And some very unhappy eco warriors. Swampy and the millionaires will be united.


I almost hope it goes ahead just to see it happen.

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