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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Why not? Plenty of people live over granite rock beds. Radon is easy to deal with.


Not having any gas is a much bigger threat to humanity.


And who's gonna determine if Radon has been released ? Not the frackers i'll guess. Maybe the house holder, at their cost. It's wrong. Just look at the seismic activity this causes, way above the suggested levels. They are grabbing the cash whilst sh*tting all over decent people. Or should i say "will be".

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And who's gonna determine if Radon has been released ? Not the frackers i'll guess. Maybe the house holder, at their cost. It's wrong. Just look at the seismic activity this causes, way above the suggested levels. They are grabbing the cash whilst sh*tting all over decent people. Or should i say "will be".


Now you are being silly. The release of radon is entirely predictable. Any decent geologist would be able to do so. Fracking will be the most closely scrutinised method of energy extraction ever. I can't imagine that any release of radon would be missed.


As for seismic activity, the jury is well and truly out on that one, isn't it. In any case, it won't cause anywhere near the activity that coal mining did. Then again, the coal mines were tucked away in poor parts of the country, so nobody cared. The NCB paid compensation for the damage that coal mining caused. I'd expect the same from the frackers.

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It's not silly at all, they will want to extract this at minimum costs, and given the track record of fuel companies, why would anyone trust them to do the right thing ?

It's madness.


The companies will want to extract at minimum cost. The answer to that is proper scrutiny and regulation. It is a huge energy resource. We can't ignore it.


Anything that lessens Gazprom's grip on us has to be a good thing.

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The companies will want to extract at minimum cost. The answer to that is proper scrutiny and regulation. It is a huge energy resource. We can't ignore it.


Anything that lessens Gazprom's grip on us has to be a good thing.


The regulation is not in place and there are serious concerns over the proposals as reported in Private Eye.


In addition there are moves to fast track planning for fracking sites, with applications set to be processed in weeks.


On Question Time the other night Grant Schapps said they would accept investment from any interested party, including Gazprom presumably.


He also told a couple of fibs

1. That a fracking site was the size of a house

2. That fracking would reduce energy bills


The whole thing is a mess.

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Its happening, and its all about money.


Yep, it may be possible that getting planning permission for a fracking site is easier and quicker than getting planning permission for a house. This is because the fast tracking process means that ultimate planning decision is made outside of local authority control. No local public consultation, no local scrutiny of operators. Done and dusted in weeks!


The sites can be imposed on communities that are then paid off for the trouble. The operators could be any company, because as Schnapps says investment can come from anywhere.

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Yep, it may be possible that getting planning permission for a fracking site is easier and quicker than getting planning permission for a house. This is because the fast tracking process means that ultimate planning decision is made outside of local authority control. No local public consultation, no local scrutiny of operators. Done and dusted in weeks!


The sites can be imposed on communities that are then paid off for the trouble. The operators could be any company, because as Schnapps says investment can come from anywhere.


Its disgraceful how people communities can be affected like this. Can we blame ourselves for voting them in? Nope, because all potential governments want a slice of the cake, because greed rules.

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Its disgraceful how people communities can be affected like this. Can we blame ourselves for voting them in? Nope, because all potential governments want a slice of the cake, because greed rules.


Indeed, it doesn't matter what party is in. If Labour get in they will dance to the same tune. Until it all goes wrong and then they'll all blame each other, like they always do.

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