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Fracking in Sheffield?

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I would have thought methane, oil or peat are all matter, but can be sources of energy. They can be converted from matter to energy.


They are a form of energy, just like the fat in our body is energy. This is basic stuff taught at secondary school.


9 forms of energy

Edited by RootsBooster
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They are a form of energy, just like the fat in our body is energy. This is basic stuff taught at secondary school.


9 forms of energy


They are in a fact matter, and each one is easily converted to energy, unlike iron which is also matter but not easily converted to energy.


The fat in my body is also matter, which my body can easily covert to energy when it is needed. You could at a push call it stored energy, but then all matter is stored energy.

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Of course methane is energy, just like oil or peat are energy. I take it you never took chemistry?


Getting the stuff out of the ground is not energy generation, that is the point I am making. It can be processed by us and basically ignited to provide heat, drive turbines, power vehicles etc... Fracking plants are not power plants.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 10:43 ----------


It is what I wrote in post 738, but you appeared to be having reading difficulties, so I made it easy for you.




So, your opposition is based upon a bit of scaremongering and some unsubstantiated claims.


You have a point about the regulation, that must be robust, but that should be easy enough to sort out.


The average citizen will get energy security from this. That is pretty significant in my opinion.


Where is the scaremongering? I'm highlighting risks that are well known and it is perfectly reasonable to do that until we have at least one fracking complex operational and proven to be safe and viable.


By fracking complex I mean a cluster of connected sites, maybe 20-30 well heads in a few square miles with all the associated connecting pipelines, industrial plant, water treatment, waste processing, temporary roads, traffic management etc...


Energy security is not guaranteed. Because of the way the gas industry is organised there is nothing to stop a French company likeTotal (fracking is banned in France) fracking here and sending it back through the interconnector system for sale on the continent, say in France, whilst enjoying generous tax breaks and a lax corporate taxation system courtesy of the UK taxpayer and booking profits offshore. Nice. It doesn't even have to be exported through pipelines - there is a fleet of LNG tanker ships that can transport it all over the world.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Methane is not energy. That's like saying oil or peat is energy. You know I'm right.


Really? What's my gas cooker work on then if methane is not energy?


Energy is defined as the capability to do useful work on a system - methane is most assuredly energy. It may not be as useful as electrical energy, but it's used in an awfully large number of places.


As for fracking it's been going on for decades in the Earkring oil field in Nottingham - I don't recall there being any burning "water" or problems with ground water there.... and the oil wells are so unobtrusive that most people don't even know they exist.

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Really? What's my gas cooker work on then if methane is not energy?


Energy is defined as the capability to do useful work on a system - methane is most assuredly energy. It may not be as useful as electrical energy, but it's used in an awfully large number of places.


As for fracking it's been going on for decades in the Earkring oil field in Nottingham - I don't recall there being any burning "water" or problems with ground water there.... and the oil wells are so unobtrusive that most people don't even know they exist.


Again, the point I am making is that fracking sites do not generate energy. They retrieve compounds that can be used as energy sources by us.


Eakring is oil not gas. If fracking was used there it will have been to improve yield in association with a conventional extraction process. So far in this country we only have test sites for unconventional natural gas fracking.

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They are in a fact matter, and each one is easily converted to energy


Of course they're matter, I never suggested otherwise. They're also energy, they just get converted into other forms of energy.


unlike iron which is also matter but not easily converted to energy.

It depends on how you do it. It may be difficult to convert a piece of iron from chemical energy into heat energy but it would literally be a pushover to convert it from potential energy into kinetic energy


The fat in my body is also matter, which my body can easily covert to energy when it is needed. You could at a push call it stored energy, but then all matter is stored energy.
..or you could quite easily and correctly call it energy Edited by RootsBooster
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Again, the point I am making is that fracking sites do not generate energy. They retrieve compounds that can be used as energy sources by us.


And the point that everyone else is making is that methane is energy and it is being made available at the wellhead. But hey if you want to insist contrary to almost everyone else on the planet feel free. It won't change the definitions.


Eakring is oil not gas. If fracking was used there it will have been to improve yield in association with a conventional extraction process. So far in this country we only have test sites for unconventional natural gas fracking.


300 barrels a day and a million cubic feet of gas a day last figures I heard. Fracked recently as well as in the past.

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Thar't gerrin pushed oo'er a fence Sunday. :D


Seriously though, it's just wrong in my mind. It's sneaky. Why do they have the right ? If this were a lake they were drilling down into then fair enough, but the lengths they will go to to extract this way and the necessary costs to do so just don't leave me with confidence they'll want to spend the required money on ensuring safety, and keeping the environmental impact as low as possible.

I can see them grabbing the cash at any cost, wringing the last gallon out by any means. I just don't trust them.


I wouldn't worry about having a well drilled under your house. Say it was 9000ft deep, which is the depth of the Blackpool wells. That's 2 miles down, so 2 miles distant from your house. It would be like living in (say) Hillsborough and saying that roadworks in the city centre were affecting your house.


As for the earth tremors, you wouldn't feel them. They were at a level that people can't detect. They were picked up by sensitive seismographs, the ones that can detect a nuclear test in North Korea.


I'd be happy to have a well under my house.

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