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Fracking in Sheffield?

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In the case of combusting methane you are not converting matter to energy. The matter is still there - you started with methane and oxygena nd have carbon dioxide and water. Viz Lavoisier and his balance... You are not creating energy. You are converting chemical energy into thermal and electromagnetic energy.


I thought it would be far to complicated for you if I went through the entire process, I'm doing my best to make it a simplistic as possible in words you might understand.


Cleary though you do understand the process, so you must know that matter isn't energy and energy isn't matter. Energy as the potential to become matter and matter as the potential to become energy. But energy and matter are very different.

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They produce methane frome the ground, at the risk of Mr.Smith/Maxmaximus/Angos jumping in, "generate" can be a suitable term for it...
Originally Posted by Oxford Dictionary


produce or create



A couple of posts back you was agreeing with oblex that energy can't be created, its seams you and he was just being pedantic and new precisely what I meant.


Anyway this game of your is getting a tad boring to I will leave you to it.

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I've a considerable amount of formal study in the subject thanks. Your gross blunders in understanding and logic are clear to all with the basic of secondary school education. MY advice to you would be to eat a little humble pie and consider that you might not understand quite as much as you evidently think you do... You might also want to read up on the Dunning-Kruger effect as well.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 15:22 ----------


Apologies if you've already seen this link, but its a good visual of which source our power is coming from:




Good isn't it :) I use that to demostrate which is used for baseload and peaking illustrations. It's a neat game for our Scouts doing some of their more technical badges.

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Actually they manifest as changes in voltage first, and none of the above has any relevance to the definition of energy....


Also if you are going to quote articles - please do so and stop plagiarising people.




As you already fully understand the energy isn't matter, I can only conclude that you are playing a sill game, and its far easier to counter your sillyness by copping from reliable sources.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 15:24 ----------


I've a considerable amount of formal study in the subject thanks. Your gross blunders in understanding and logic are clear to all with the basic of secondary school education. MY advice to you would be to eat a little humble pie and consider that you might not understand quite as much as you evidently think you do... You might also want to read up on the Dunning-Kruger effect as well.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 15:22 ----------



Good isn't it :) I use that to demostrate which is used for baseload and peaking illustrations. It's a neat game for our Scouts doing some of their more technical badges.


Yet you made the massive blunder of thinking matter is energy.

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As you already fully understand the energy isn't matter, I can only conclude that you are playing a sill game, and its far easier to counter your sillyness by copping from reliable sources.


So you plagarised someone, tried to pass it off as your own, thought you'd look clever in doing so and actually picked something with an error in and didn't spot it - making you look even less competent..


I see.


Yet you made the massive blunder of thinking matter is energy.


Have you ever heard of special relativity...?

Edited by Obelix
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