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Fracking in Sheffield?

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you keep saying this, with no explanation of how it is so. I've explained that methane is energy, because it (the 'system') is made of atoms and bonds, both of which are energy.



The bow is also already energy, although not the energy being used to propel the arrow. The atoms and bonds from which the bow is made are energy.


Nobody is claiming that methane or the bow aren't matter, we're just explaining how they are also energy. You seem to think they can only be one or the other.


You keep expressing your incorrect opinion that all matter is energy, probably due to something you misunderstood at school.

It doesn't natter how many time you make the claim that matter is energy, it will never be true. Matter as the potential to release energy, but it isn't energy.



A wooden table is made out of trees, but it isn't a tree.


Much like matter is made out of energy, but isn't energy, it does however have the potential to revert back to energy.

Edited by ivanava
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You keep expressing your incorrect opinion that all matter is energy, probably due to something you misunderstood at school.

It doesn't natter how many time you make the claim that matter is energy, it will never be true. Matter as the potential to release energy, but it isn't energy.



A wooden table is made out of trees, but it isn't a tree.


Much like matter is made out of energy, but isn't energy, it does however have the potential to revert back to energy.


As others have said - I'd learn a bit of quantum theory (or ask for your money back) before you dig yourself even deeper into that hole...

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As others have said - I'd learn a bit of quantum theory (or ask for your money back) before you dig yourself even deeper into that hole...


Trying to big yourself up by mentioning quantum theory, doesn't change the fact that matter is matter and not energy.

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As others have said - I'd learn a bit of quantum theory (or ask for your money back) before you dig yourself even deeper into that hole...


On a practical level classic physics provides the best explanation of what we are talking about here. It holds that energy is a property of matter. And again in practical terms methane gas is matter that has chemical potential energy that we can use to get heat.


If you then move on to modern theories that hold that matter is energy then it's getting into quantum physics theories. It really has no practical relevance to fracking unless you are interested in making arcane points.


I'm intruiged though. When you teach the cubs for their badges do you bypass classic physics and jump straight to quantum physics? If so I'm worried for them. As I remember it from O and A levels the classic theories were taught first. In fact they are the building blocks for more advanced stuff that comes later, and to really appreciate the later stuff you need a very good grounding in maths.


On a lighter note I remembered this from the great Bill Hicks:

Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition? Perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once?


"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

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Would you care to show me where I said that quantum theory has any relevance on fracking..? That particular line of nonsense came from MrSmith/ivanava and his usualy incomprehensible deluge.


I'm not sure where you think I teach the cubs anything, unless of course you are as usual trying to score a cheap point in retaliation for having your head handed to you on a plate.

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I was chatting about fracking the other day with my colleague at work.


I really don't know enough about it to comment on the issues, so I'll put my faith in the experts to decide on whether it's safe or not.


If it is considered safe, then I'm broadly in favour of it, because it would be nice to be self sufficient with regards to energy supplies rather than having to rely on our gas from Russia etc.






This is why I said earlier that it would be good to see one fracking complex established, e.g. 20-30 well heads in a few square miles and all the associated gubbins, in a populated area. Run it for a couple of years, iron out the problems and if it works then great expand it.


It seems like a no-brainer to take such a common sense approach rather than going all out.


My other wish which I mention still further back in the thread would be to see whatever government is pushing it (be it Labour or Tories/coalition) to locate the first full complex in their own voter heartlands.


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 10:21 ----------


Would you care to show me where I said that quantum theory has any relevance on fracking..? That particular line of nonsense came from MrSmith/ivanava and his usualy incomprehensible deluge.


I'm not sure where you think I teach the cubs anything, unless of course you are as usual trying to score a cheap point in retaliation for having your head handed to you on a plate.


I could have sworn earlier you said you were a scout leader, teaching physics concepts. Ho hum.


As I said already in practical terms the quantum stuff has no relevance to fracking.

Classic physics provides (like it does for the vast majority of things) the best and clearest explanations - you get stuff out the ground, the stuff has potential energy, you burn it, you get heat from a chemical reaction, you use the heat. I've never seen any discussion of fracking ( until now) try to explain that using quantum theory. Still nice try to dig your buddies out the crap after the ridiculous statements about fracking wells generating energy.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Would you care to show me where I said that quantum theory has any relevance on fracking..? That particular line of nonsense came from ivanava and his usualy incomprehensible deluge.


No I really didn't, I haven't mentioned quantum theory, but on lighter note, methane is matter not energy, it is however a good source of cheap energy, but I would prefer to find alternatives instead of fracking for it.


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 10:25 ----------




As I said already in practical terms the quantum stuff has no relevance to fracking.

Classic physics provides (like it does for the vast majority of things) the best and clearest explanations - you get stuff out the ground, the stuff has potential energy, you burn it, you get heat from a chemical reaction, you use the heat. I've never seen any discussion of fracking ( until now) try to explain that using quantum theory. Still nice try to dig your buddies out the crap after the ridiculous statements about fracking wells generating energy.


If they dig any deeper we won't need to frack for it. :)

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I could have sworn earlier you said you were a scout leader, teaching physics concepts.


And where do the Cubs come into that? They don't as well you know so stop with the lies please.


after the ridiculous statements about fracking wells generating energy.


And he still doesn't get it....


Energy is generated when it's capable of being harnessed and controlled by people. That occurs when the gas comes out of the well...


But I'm sure you will now change your position yet again and wriggle out. Tell me is it that important to you just because I happen to support a different colour of party to you? It's very sad if that's the case.

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