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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Of course.


I was saying that nuclear power is stupid, not you.


Fair do's. I obviously disagree with you on the topic though. Fracking is really scraping the barrel imo, you only have to do a little research to see how dirty and unpredictable it is. Nuclear is a known quantity, and i'd personally prefer we went down that road.

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Fair do's. I obviously disagree with you on the topic though. Fracking is really scraping the barrel imo, you only have to do a little research to see how dirty and unpredictable it is. Nuclear is a known quantity, and i'd personally prefer we went down that road.


To be honest in about 20 years I'd probably feel better about nuclear if the potential of thorium and fully passive safety systems is realised. The problem with fracking is that it provides an abundant fossil fuel that detracts from that research effort.


As for the plant that the UK is proposing to build the plants are based on older designs. The known quantity is all the negatives outlined above.

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so now they want to change trespass laws so fracking companies can install pipework underground underneath PRIVATE land without fear of tresspass??



im sorry but this stinks


Not really, it's been accepted for years that you don't own the ground beneath your property, so tunnels, railways, sewers, pipelines and stuff can be built underneath your property, provided your property is not damaged.


Some parties have been trying to use loopholes in the trespass laws to prevent fracking happening hundreds of feet below the ground, all this will do is actually put the law into line with what people have been doing for decades if not centuries.

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