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Racist jailed..

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You are the OP are you not, and therefore chose the title.

which i took from the news article which is taken from the court case :suspect:


A NEIGHBOUR from hell has been jailed after a five-year race hate campaign against a German man living next door


West was convicted of racially aggravated harassment and given a 12-month restraining order which included a ban on referring to the couple on the web


so tell me can you racially aggravate somebody or commit a race hate campaign without being a racist? yes or no?

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which i took from the news article which is taken from the court case :suspect:






so tell me can you racially aggravate somebody or commit a race hate campaign without being a racist? yes or no?


Not necessarily. If the German was white skinned like the accused then no, I don't see how it can be termed racially motivated. Xenophobic yes. Racist no. Everything he did points to him referencing the German's nationality and particularly referencing the war with poppies, mentions of Dunkirk etc, but nothing referencing the person's skin colour.

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Not necessarily. If the German was white skinned like the accused then no, I don't see how it can be termed racially motivated. Xenophobic yes. Racist no. Everything he did points to him referencing the German's nationality and particularly referencing the war with poppies, mentions of Dunkirk etc, but nothing referencing the person's skin colour.

race isnt just about colour


Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism


i posted about germanic ethnic themes earlier

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It might not be just about colour, but it certainly isn't just about nationality, which seems to have been the theme of the provocations.

as i said, im not the one making up his crimes, the judiciary did, maybe race hate is the closest they could get? maybe we both should agree to disagree and agree that that was the case lol

since we could argue all night about the semantics in the case, thing is, whether racist or xenophobic he was wrong, and hateful and only did it cos he got a bee in his bonnet about the mans nationality

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i wasnt the one that decided if it was race or not, and yup racists are generally abit dim when it comes to our / their history, a hell of alot of us are part german lol


mind u this one does seem a bit dimmer than the rest, like vague boys quote shows lmao




Then how can it be racist?

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