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No Go areas dont exist..

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I don't think that the poster mentioned falsehoods!


The truth is this is an ill thought out decision of one person alone, it's not national policy worthy of a national tabloid newspaper's outrage, and sooner or later an apology will be made for the community police officers actions.


That is what is meant by a classic Daily Mail story. Pure rabble rousing for the people who like to foam at the mouth.

The decision may have been ,the thought process behind ..now thats a different kettle of fish...its brushing things like this under the carpet which indirectly leads to the contents of my link above..that and the couldnt care less attitude of the apologists..

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It wouldnt really be a ban though would it. If hes real like we keep getting told then hed soon make his presence felt if he thought his sheeple couldnt tell him how great he is.


On a more serious note, i would ban ALL religion from schools and stop the stupid situation of schools being legally bound to teach such drivel.

It warps the mind. Id also ban FGM, forced marriages and all the rest of the crap that comes along with these out of date cults.

If someone wants to believe in god then let them choose for themselves when they become old enough to make their own decisions in life.


Umm, forced marriages are already banned!

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Umm, forced marriages are already banned!


Do they still happen?

Are they banned world wide or just here and there?

If they do still happen, is enough being done to stop it or are people fearful of mentioning it too much in case they incur the wrath of the backward ones?

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The decision may have been ,the thought process behind ..now thats a different kettle of fish...its brushing things like this under the carpet which indirectly leads to the contents of my link above..that and the couldnt care less attitude of the apologists..


What's with all the fullstops in your post?


The thought process behind the decision was probably one of a lazy policeman who wanted an easy life, and no his actions have been publicised I'm sure it wont be swept under the carpet.


You may think that this incident is the end of our great culture, by I have far more faith in it, so maybe it's more a case of people can't care less about your constant moaning?


---------- Post added 20-07-2013 at 14:53 ----------


Do they still happen?

Are they banned world wide or just here and there?

If they do still happen, is enough being done to stop it or are people fearful of mentioning it too much in case they incur the wrath of the backward ones?


Murder is banned, but unfortunately it still happens.

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I don't think that the poster mentioned falsehoods!


The truth is this is an ill thought out decision of one person alone, it's not national policy worthy of a national tabloid newspaper's outrage, and sooner or later an apology will be made for the community police officers actions.


Actually no it was two years ago and no proper apology was given, nor did the police choose to clarify that what the preachers were doing was perfectly legal, nor was there any comment on the fact that the PCSO officer in question implied it would be their own fault of they got beaten up simply for talking to people in a public place.


If, as should have been done, the police condemned the actions of the officer in question, and clarified that it is perfectly legal for people to evangelise their religion in public spaces, then you'd have a point.


I've done some searching, and that doesn't seem to have happened.


In fact, the police statement did not acknowledge any wrongdoing on the officer's part at all, issuein a vague statement about how he will be offered 'guidance' instead:


"The investigation concluded that the PCSO acted with the best of intentions when he intervened to diffuse a heated argument between two groups of men"


The spokeswoman added that following the investigation the PCSO had been offered "guidance around what constitutes a hate crime as well as his communication style".


Also, let's stop reffering to the Daily Mail eh?

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Murder is banned, but unfortunately it still happens.


Murder happens for lots of reasons. Ids wager the biggest reason these days is religion. Id also wager that the religion connected most with murder is islam.

They dont mind who they kill. Kids, disabled, women, non believers, believers who believe in the same beliefs but believe it a slightly different way, the lost goes on and on and.............




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What's with all the fullstops in your post?


The thought process behind the decision was probably one of a lazy policeman who wanted an easy life, and no his actions have been publicised I'm sure it wont be swept under the carpet.


You may think that this incident is the end of our great culture, by I have far more faith in it, so maybe it's more a case of people can't care less about your constant moaning?


---------- Post added 20-07-2013 at 14:53 ----------



Murder is banned, but unfortunately it still happens.

Really..yet they cant wait to answer my posts ,until they suddenly find they have no answers then they make comments such as yours.

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Actually no it was two years ago and no proper apology was given, nor did the police choose to clarify that what the preachers were doing was perfectly legal, nor was there any comment on the fact that the PCSO officer in question implied it would be their own fault of they got beaten up simply for talking to people in a public place.


If, as should have been done, the police condemned the actions of the officer in question, and clarified that it is perfectly legal for people to evangelise their religion in public spaces, then you'd have a point.


I've done some searching, and that doesn't seem to have happened.


In fact, the police statement did not acknowledge any wrongdoing on the officer's part at all:


"The investigation concluded that the PCSO acted with the best of intentions when he intervened to diffuse a heated argument between two groups of men"


So it seems there is more to the story than just stopping a Christian preaching in a muslim area, maybe it was more like the police using the tested method of removing the reasonable people from the scene of the heated argument?

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I have love to have seen the "mirror universe" version of this. If a Muslim cleric had been told that preaching in a Christian area.


You can guarantee the PCSO would have been fired and buckets of apologies thrown at the muslim community.

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