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No ebooks allowed at Upperthorpe swimming pool

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Shards of plastic can be sharp.


You don't get glass bottles at leisure centres.


Have you actually seen a broken e-reader or been to a leisure centre?


And paper could give you a nasty paper cut.


But since you could play football with a kindle before you managed to break it, my personal risk assessment would be that it's no more dangerous than a book.


You ask me if I've seen an e-reader, when based on your comments I have to assume that you haven't. Sharp shards of plastic from a dropped kindle. You're more likely to cause an injury by dropping a hardback on your foot.


Re: have I ever been to a leisure centre. It happens I have. And I noticed that the viewing area allows outside shoes... Which might be carrying glass, gravel, dirt and many other things into that area, which is why it's normally separate from the areas you go without shoes.

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Which makes far less sense than simply taking a book and being there.

If the rules are ridiculous then people have the right to complain about them.

The rules are simply not about child safety are they.

And they are being questioned and you are defending them.


---------- Post added 22-07-2013 at 21:08 ----------



- Which makes far less sense than simply taking a book and being there.

- If the rules are ridiculous then people have the right to complain about them.

- The rules are simply not about child safety are they.

- And they are being questioned and you are defending them.



I could reply directly to this but after reading ongoing replies to other posts I get the feeling you're only have something else to say and we'd be going round in vague circles over and over again. Let's, as they say, just agree to disagree. You're entitled to your opinion, however rightly or wrongly, which is part and parcel of these forums.


By the by, I'm learning pretty quick that some users are open minded whilst others are very closed off. Some like to have the final say which is fine as doesn't bother me at all. Also observed that others like to argue or be the center of attention which I'm beginning to understand could be part of what makes an internet troll. Fascinating.

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Fair enough, we are certainly all entitled to our opinions.


Re: replying, it wouldn't be much of a discussion if nobody replied when others tried to make a point or an assertion would it. Having a discussion isn't trolling, it's pretty much the entire point of the forum.

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I have to agree, there are several members who have contributed to this thread that would argue with anyone who does not share their opinion.


Do you mean argue or discuss? How can something be discussed if you won't disagree with an opinion or aren't allowed to post that disagreement?


Given that the OP doesn't think the rule is a good one, everyone who's posted in support of the rule is arguing with the OP aren't they?

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Do you mean argue or discuss? How can something be discussed if you won't disagree with an opinion or aren't allowed to post that disagreement?


Given that the OP doesn't think the rule is a good one, everyone who's posted in support of the rule is arguing with the OP aren't they?


No I mean argue.

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At my son's swimming lessons at Zest Upperthorpe swimming pool today I was told today to turn off my ebook or leave the building. I understand the need to ban camera-equipped devices, but why ebooks? When I asked the duty manager (who is ironically based in the library) he said the new ban included ebooks as their staff couldn't tell the difference between ebooks and tablets, and if I wanted to read I should get a paperback from the library.


With something like 25% of all new book sales being on ereaders, and with your baisc Kindles etc no having cameras and therefore being no risk, does anyone else think these new rules go just a bit too far?





I've noticed you've been given a lot of feedback, views and opinions, some of which have been heated, for you to consider.


This is not parenting issue - different people have different views and experience, some even have children! Shock horror.


You obviously felt aggrieved enough to go and see the Bob in the library. He listened and gave you a solution, a compromise if you will, so you could carry reading by the poolside. Unhappy with this you still felt aggrieved so you vented on the Sheffield Forums site. But it's not like you contacted certain radio stations and local newspapers first and tried to embarrass them further with the scoop of the century, is it?


If it helps provide you with some clarity check out the ASA guidelines on photography and use of photographic material coupled with the venue's policy might make you understand where they are coming from. Yes, it doesn't explicitly say no ereaders but wait.


Like I said you are allowed to take photographs of your children in the pool in very special circumstances but only if you ask them first. But that's not the issue here. It's about not agreeing with the rules because you have one side/viewpoint of the story. You don't work there. You don't understand what they go through. And why should you? That's not your job, you're not trained in what they do. And let's be honest here - it's not Dore, Crosspool or Beauchief, there is a lot of credit owned for what they are trying to do for and with the area. And as I understand it that the library could be at risk as well.


It's not just ereaders that are banned at the venue in question so are handheld video games, yes older handhelds have no cameras too. Incidentally they have only just relaxed the rule of personal gadgets (Kindle, laptops, video game handhelds) on aeroplanes during take-off and landing. So maybe that is something to inspire to - you could petition ASA. If so I wish you luck and would support you as that seems like a position outcome to all of this.


As I understand it only the OP can request for the post to be closed. Could I ask you to please close this thread because hopefully you should have got enough information to pursue it further, a plan of action or enough validation that there are some people that see and agree on your side. IMO keeping it open will only continue to wind some people up, treat others with little or no respect or feed the trolls. Unless you like any of that.


Thank you.


P.S. By the way, the butler did it.

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