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No ebooks allowed at Upperthorpe swimming pool

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So you have not contributed to the thread :loopy:

On the contrary, I think I have contributed in a most positive manner. I have suggested a solution (take a book) and my opinion that the world is full of issues to get upset about, but whether or not you are allowed to use your Kindle on the side of a public swimming bath is not one of them.


So, to surmise, my contribution is to relax, get over, move on with your life, and take a book to Zest should you wish to read something. It seems a most simple, some would say elegant, solution.


But now, I have a life. Adieu and good luck with your crusade.

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HOW ABSOLUTELY ANAL!!!!!! With all the problems in this world and we get issues like this!!!!.....it is apparent that there is the capability to put time and energy into an issue but could it not be something a little more worth while rather than..."I`m not allowed my ebook" boo hooooo, grow up and get a grip!!!

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On the contrary, I think I have contributed in a most positive manner. I have suggested a solution (take a book) and my opinion that the world is full of issues to get upset about, but whether or not you are allowed to use your Kindle on the side of a public swimming bath is not one of them.


So, to surmise, my contribution is to relax, get over, move on with your life, and take a book to Zest should you wish to read something. It seems a most simple, some would say elegant, solution.


But now, I have a life. Adieu and good luck with your crusade.


Its always the people with boring existences that claim to have a life, I have added a few comments but hardly wrapped myself up in it, isnt that what this forums for? I still think the rules are ridiculous though and its people who "do as they're told" no matter how idiotic that allows them to keep implementing them.

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Benjy - I've PM'd you (with a little help from someone who actually knows how to use the forum). As mentioned there, please feel free to repost anything in it you think appropriate.


As far as the airline ban on devices goes, it is off topic, but for anyone who is interested in that, have a look at the Wall Street Journal article (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323300004578557683978941640.html) which suggests this is likely to be relaxed soon.


I didn't know I could/should close the thread (maybe someone can tell me how?) If so, I'd like to let it run for a couple more days, so that any latecomers get their say, and then do it?

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Some people have some good points on reasons why they should not allow e-readers at swimming pools. I think all the points are very minor and are non issues. The only rule they need is no photos. Banning phones, tablets and e-readers because they may be a tablet it plain ridiculous.

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Some people have some good points on reasons why they should not allow e-readers at swimming pools. I think all the points are very minor and are non issues. The only rule they need is no photos. Banning phones, tablets and e-readers because they may be a tablet it plain ridiculous.


They dont need this rule either.

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Benjy - I've PM'd you (with a little help from someone who actually knows how to use the forum). As mentioned there, please feel free to repost anything in it you think appropriate.


As far as the airline ban on devices goes, it is off topic, but for anyone who is interested in that, have a look at the Wall Street Journal article (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323300004578557683978941640.html) which suggests this is likely to be relaxed soon.


I didn't know I could/should close the thread (maybe someone can tell me how?) If so, I'd like to let it run for a couple more days, so that any latecomers get their say, and then do it?


I have to say I'm not sure why we are suddenly sending private messages to each other now but sure, I'll check it out later if I can remember where to access them and reply back. All sounds very mysterious.


Regarding the airline ban being relaxed I thought I was the one who told you about that in one of my previous posts to you - or am I going crazy?


Off topic? That's fine you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I just thought because there were some obvious parallels with the point(s) you are trying to make. i.e. Blanket ban in place but not all the devices will have the desired impact in question. e.g. Why can't we use a Gameboy SP Advance on a plane?

Plus you said you were naturally curious and always wanted to find why things are the way they are or need to change them (or something like that). So I thought it would be useful to know if you would have challenge them as you are with the swimming pool rules - I thought that was a fair point.


Sure it's your post you can do what you want with it I merely made a suggestion. To close it I think you report it as the original poster to the website administrators then request it to be closed. Hope you achieve whatever tangible results you are looking for.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 16:28 ----------


Nope, just checked definitely don't have anything from you docrobin.


I only have 5 messages (two from SF notice, 2 from nikki and 1 from claire) I have 5 messages stored with a total of 35 allowed which the administrators should be able to verify. No other activity.


Can you recheck? or post on here? I'll contact the administrators in case there is a problem with the mail server or messaging system.

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I think he means arguing for the sake of it, refusing to back down or accept that people have different opinions, where both may be right, both may be wrong.


You have a couple of threads on the go where you're like this Cyclone, you have to have the last word.


It's not me that's arguing with the OP though. Look to the beam in your eye and all that.


Out of interest, which post of mine was "going on"?


Don't tell me, you think it's the one where I imply that it's pretty stupid to think that a dropped ebook would smash and cause a hazard to feet? Or is it the one where I don't accept "won't somebody think of the children" as a valid argument? Because those are the two points which I've argued against.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 17:28 ----------


My child attends swimming lessons at Zest. When I saw the signs banning mobile phones etc. at poolside, do you know what I did? I took a book. Problem solved.


Did I feel I was being subjugated by the nanny state? No. Did I feel my civil liberties were being infringed? No. Rather I saw it as a sensible precaution taken by the pool, and an opportunity for me to get re-acquainted with a much loved book.


There isn't a problem. The reason this whole thing has dragged on for 10 (ten!) pages here is because of outraged keyboard warriors who take any possible opportunity to vent their spleen at the world. Get over it. Move on.


In what way was it sensible?


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 17:29 ----------


I would humbly suggest there are bigger issues to get excited about. But hey, it's your life. Spend your time as you wish.


You're spending your time telling other people what issues you think they should care about... Perhaps there are bigger things that you should worry about?


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 17:30 ----------


HOW ABSOLUTELY ANAL!!!!!! With all the problems in this world and we get issues like this!!!!.....it is apparent that there is the capability to put time and energy into an issue but could it not be something a little more worth while rather than..."I`m not allowed my ebook" boo hooooo, grow up and get a grip!!!


And yet you manage to find time to post rather rudely on this thread. The level of irony is amazing.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 17:32 ----------


I have to say I'm not sure why we are suddenly sending private messages to each other now but sure, I'll check it out later if I can remember where to access them and reply back. All sounds very mysterious.


Regarding the airline ban being relaxed I thought I was the one who told you about that in one of my previous posts to you - or am I going crazy?


Off topic? That's fine you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I just thought because there were some obvious parallels with the point(s) you are trying to make. i.e. Blanket ban in place but not all the devices will have the desired impact in question. e.g. Why can't we use a Gameboy SP Advance on a plane?

Because in the distant past, somebody thought that a mobile phone might possibly interfere with the electronics and kill everybody on board. This was then extended to all electronic devices on take off and landing.

Most intelligent passengers realise that it isn't true at all.

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Benjyp - nothing mysterious about the PM, here it is in full:

(btw it didn't get to you, because I couldn't work the system properly)




Thanks your last reply, and I appreciate the time you took for a considered response. In the interests of not taking the thread off topic, I hope you don't mind a personal message, but please feel free to repost any or all of it on the thread if you think its appropriate.


I'm much more of a reader than a writer, and so although I sometimes read the forum, I haven't posted before. I believe my wife is active on it and has posted more mundane questions for me in the past, but I always thought there was a chance of backlash on this question, and so (finally) created my own account so that any negative feedback came my way.


I'm afraid I don't know the appropriate etiquette for these forums, so I guess I did just expect the moderators to manage the thread, rather than taking any responsibility myself. If that was incorrect, then I apologise, and if you can point me towards a guide for these sorts of things, then I would be grateful.


I have reread the initial posting, and while in retrospect it may be a bit brief, I still don't think its inflammatory in any way. The first paragraph outlines the facts of what happened (doesn't even express an opinion). The second paragraph may be a leading question, but outside 'go just a bit too far' there are no criticisms, and I've ensured that its not directed at any individual.


I've learnt a lot from the thread and my attempts to ascertain facts around it, and I would say I've definitely learnt to be even more cautious around the media! Yes, after the interview this morning I did raise concerns about the way it had been portrayed, and the fact they had not used the statements that they had spent the previous day getting. When I heard the approach they were using at the beginning of the show this morning, I realised it wasn't going quite the way I'd been promised, but as the saying goes, 'you make your bed, then you lay in it'. Hopefully I managed to get my point across and still slip in something positive, but so far I haven't heard what actually went out.


As far as electronic devices for take off and landing goes, I always ask questions :-) I don't fly often enough for it to be a huge inconvenience, but I have found that the rules vary a lot from country to country. I was lucky enough to share a trip with a pilot from Quantas who told me about the experiments they had done to actually determine risk. You might want to look at http://mashable.com/2013/06/21/phones-takoff-landing/ which reposts an article from the Wall Street Journal that these rules may be removed later in the year. As you say - there are lots of parallels, and in this case it sounds like a rethink did lead to a change.


Thanks again for the response; it was one of the most thoughtful I've had so far. I'll also be working late tonight to make up for emailing time, so I appreciate the time you took for me.





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