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LMFAO!!! Total Posts: 47,807!!!! wow some people really have nothing better to do, real keyboard warrior....rude I haven't been rude at all.......like I said before, how anal.....really does make me pmsl

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LMFAO!!! Total Posts: 47,807!!!! wow some people really have nothing better to do, real keyboard warrior....rude I haven't been rude at all.......like I said before, how anal.....really does make me pmsl


Just read your Sig and you posted this...hmm. Neither of your posts are positive or helpful

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LMFAO!!! Total Posts: 47,807!!!! wow some people really have nothing better to do, real keyboard warrior....rude I haven't been rude at all.......like I said before, how anal.....really does make me pmsl


You have been and continue to be, whilst posting on a thread on a subject which you think deserves no energy or time putting into it. Rude and hypocritical.


Re:keyboard warrior, do you even know what that means?

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  • 1 month later...
Benjyp - nothing mysterious about the PM, here it is in full:

(btw it didn't get to you, because I couldn't work the system properly)




Thanks your last reply, and I appreciate the time you took for a considered response. In the interests of not taking the thread off topic, I hope you don't mind a personal message, but please feel free to repost any or all of it on the thread if you think its appropriate.


I'm much more of a reader than a writer, and so although I sometimes read the forum, I haven't posted before. I believe my wife is active on it and has posted more mundane questions for me in the past, but I always thought there was a chance of backlash on this question, and so (finally) created my own account so that any negative feedback came my way.


I'm afraid I don't know the appropriate etiquette for these forums, so I guess I did just expect the moderators to manage the thread, rather than taking any responsibility myself. If that was incorrect, then I apologise, and if you can point me towards a guide for these sorts of things, then I would be grateful.


I have reread the initial posting, and while in retrospect it may be a bit brief, I still don't think its inflammatory in any way. The first paragraph outlines the facts of what happened (doesn't even express an opinion). The second paragraph may be a leading question, but outside 'go just a bit too far' there are no criticisms, and I've ensured that its not directed at any individual.


I've learnt a lot from the thread and my attempts to ascertain facts around it, and I would say I've definitely learnt to be even more cautious around the media! Yes, after the interview this morning I did raise concerns about the way it had been portrayed, and the fact they had not used the statements that they had spent the previous day getting. When I heard the approach they were using at the beginning of the show this morning, I realised it wasn't going quite the way I'd been promised, but as the saying goes, 'you make your bed, then you lay in it'. Hopefully I managed to get my point across and still slip in something positive, but so far I haven't heard what actually went out.


As far as electronic devices for take off and landing goes, I always ask questions :-) I don't fly often enough for it to be a huge inconvenience, but I have found that the rules vary a lot from country to country. I was lucky enough to share a trip with a pilot from Quantas who told me about the experiments they had done to actually determine risk. You might want to look at http://mashable.com/2013/06/21/phones-takoff-landing/ which reposts an article from the Wall Street Journal that these rules may be removed later in the year. As you say - there are lots of parallels, and in this case it sounds like a rethink did lead to a change.


Thanks again for the response; it was one of the most thoughtful I've had so far. I'll also be working late tonight to make up for emailing time, so I appreciate the time you took for me.






Hi Docrobin,


Apologies for the delay in replying. In short went on holiday shortly after your post but kids now back in school last week and myself back at work (boo, rubbish!).


Thank you for your PM - thought it best to reply directly on the thread as well given your post. Looking back at your original post I feel I might have taken it too personally - obviously I take my oldest one there so I was trying to look at it from both sides (as a parent who wanted to read, what their rights were, etc. and as a parent who saw another parent breaking the rules, kicking up a fuss, possibly disrupting the classes, potential danger to others - not saying you were but there are people who like confrontations and those that doesn't if you know what I mean). Coupled with the fact do know the staff there and the rest of the work they do for the community and know who you are from other sources so I may have taken more of it to heart if it didn't impact me in one form or another.


Interestingly I see things have slightly moved on, we went recently since back and all the notices have been updated to 'electric devices' rather than specifically mention smartphones, tablets, etc. I wonder if this was a result of your feedback but at least a change was made to save any confusion.



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