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No ebooks allowed at Upperthorpe swimming pool

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Whats with the paranoia about pedo's with ipads anyway?


If one wanted to go to a swimming pool and take pictures they probably would, and a ban on ipad's/e-readers and phones won't stop that because they'd most likely wear a hidden camera.


So what are they saying?

It's a ban designed to stop the casual/lazy/amateur pedo??


Give me strength, what a load of nonsense :loopy:

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In fairness Jane I see what you are saying ..... But .... You can not ban people from a public place unless you know they are a wrong-un, you can however minimise any risk by banning certain things being used in a place such as a swimming baths.


Risk of.... someone taking a photograph.

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I agree, any ideas how to stop a terrorist getting into the baths.


Policy at Upperthorpe is that patrons must get changed into their swimming costumes in the nearby park before entering the pool building - to avoid concealed explosives.

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oh for gods sake..


how much of this thread is about the paranoia of perverts and how much of it is more honestly about the insecurities of some people?


It's about privacy and allowing people to feel comfortable. I bet you wouldn't be happy if someone posted a pic on YouTube of you having a dump. Apart from any risk from paedophiles the fact is that an awful lot of people would feel more comfortable knowing that they won't be photographed at the pool.


Anyway, as we have heard people can take pictures as long as they arrange it properly with the pool first.

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