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Grimesthorpe Road Accident 1930-1940

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Just been to visit my Mum who is now 91, and mentioned I was doing a bit of family history.

She mentioned an accident that happened down Grimesthorpe Road, some lads rode a ladder (though she also mentioned Billy Cart) down the hill in the snow, and though there was some one looking out for traffic, the ladder met with a truck, she believed there were fatalities. She went home to Ellesmere Road, where her father gave her a shandy.

My Mums name is Bessie Jeffery nee Woodliff, born 1921, so I am guessing this happened in the 1930's.

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I can see by your profile that you are based some way from Sheffield:hihi:

If you are able to find out a more specific date you could ask the Local History library in Sheffield to do a search of local newspapers around that date for articles about the incident.

I expect there will be a charge.

Alternately, try sheffieldhistory.co.uk - you could do a search on there or post your request and see what happens.

Good luck.

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