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Hydrogen Fuel Cells For Cars

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Been hoping that this hydrogen fuel cell technology would hurry up and be fitted to mass produced cars as petrol and diesel is so shockingly expensive. Obviously a hydrogen fuel cell runs on hydrogen, but I`ve noticed the companies selling fuel cells to power boats and generators are advocating the consumer, you and me, to run them on methanol. So the fuel companies only have to increase the cost of methanol to have us by "the shorts" again.

But looking on E-Bay, I see a Pure Hydrogen Gas Generator for sale for less than £600, and I would imagine, having one of these stored away at home and connecting it up to the filler cap on your new fuel cell car; would do away with ever having to buy any fuel ever again?

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Hydrogen is shocking explosive and is a real pain to handle - it's not something that you would ever want in your house.


Besides how are you going to power the hydrogen generator? It still needs energy inputting - all that will happen is electricty will rise dramatically in price when everyone gets one of these at home, unless we build an awful lot of nuclear plants.

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I think solar power has a bright future.


Solar powered cars. Great for those late night journeys. Almost as useful as solar powered sunbeds. ;)


---------- Post added 22-07-2013 at 10:08 ----------


Been hoping that this hydrogen fuel cell technology would hurry up and be fitted to mass produced cars as petrol and diesel is so shockingly expensive. Obviously a hydrogen fuel cell runs on hydrogen, but I`ve noticed the companies selling fuel cells to power boats and generators are advocating the consumer, you and me, to run them on methanol. So the fuel companies only have to increase the cost of methanol to have us by "the shorts" again.

But looking on E-Bay, I see a Pure Hydrogen Gas Generator for sale for less than £600, and I would imagine, having one of these stored away at home and connecting it up to the filler cap on your new fuel cell car; would do away with ever having to buy any fuel ever again?

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I'm rather impressed with some of the hybrid technology that is just about hitting production. There are cars with small engines running constant speed. Say 1000cc running at 3500 rpm and producing 40 bhp. This drives a Kers type generator which will allow very fast acceleration, 100 mph top speed along with 100 plus mpg. It could just be the future

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The problem with hybrid technology is that it's just as unsustainable.


In however many years time hybrid cars will be just a relatively expensive to run as their gas guzzling granddads.


They might as well bite the bullet and just put all their efforts into researching totally clean cars, cause hybrids just prolong the inevitable. Then you don't have a car to sell when they eventually do solve the problem.


But they should pull their bloody fingers out.

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The problem with hybrid technology is that it's just as unsustainable.


In however many years time hybrid cars will be just a relatively expensive to run as their gas guzzling granddads.


They'll be shockingly more expensive to keep on the road you can bet on that.


"Sorry Sir your flux capacitor and mass energy coupler are bust.

That'll be eleventee million pounds please..........."

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The problem with hybrid technology is that it's just as unsustainable.


In however many years time hybrid cars will be just a relatively expensive to run as their gas guzzling granddads.


They might as well bite the bullet and just put all their efforts into researching totally clean cars, cause hybrids just prolong the inevitable. Then you don't have a car to sell when they eventually do solve the problem.


But they should pull their bloody fingers out.


Short of fitting a car with sails you aren't going to get totally clean, so there is no point waiting for that dream to come along.


With oil reserves being discovered that are way beyond previous expectation and shale gas I'm not thinking fossil fuels aren't approaching their sell by date. I'd rather put my faith in something that works and concentrate on making it cleaner than chase a pipe dream that most likely will never happen.

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Ka-boom would be my comment really.


I've looked into home hydrogen generation (for different purposes), it's going to take you a loooooooong time to fill your car up.


I saw the results once of some fool who had build an electrolytic cell and was splitting hydrogen whilst running it off his alternator (yes I know it doesnt work but it's a lost cause explaining it...)


It ran all the time apparantly - end result was when it went pop he lost hs garage roof which was shredded into lots of lovely strands of white asbestos as it was ejected skywards...

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