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Porn to be blocked!!

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your negative focus on 'it will never work' had no real argument behind it. You just kept repeating yourself.

It's true, which does give it a certain power. :)

it may not work

If I've got no real argument then why are you agreeing with me?



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It's true, which does give it a certain power. :)


If I've got no real argument then why are you agreeing with me?




I wasnt agreeing with you.....i was taking your opinion into the argument.


I think that its a positive move no matter how small the results may be.


And for anyone who believes that its a 'nanny state' or they're civil rights are being infringed.


Just click 'disable' on your filter

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GCHQ has been monitoring and has access to all electronic communication devices. It has been collecting and storing this information for at least a decade it seems, along with the USA's NSA.


From what you click on, write, together with bank and health details suggests there is a comprehensive record on every person using the electronic medium. This concept was invented/perfected by the East German Stazi, which was used for social control.


They know your friends, and other relationships between individuals, and this information does not need to surface unless it is deemed necessary. So children over the last decade, using social media, are all logged, and can if required be used where necessary with current information for the rest of their lives. The authority knows the friends they had before teenagers, while teenagers so a map of interconnections is there in the data base.


So if a mate does something silly they are immediately in the frame, regardless of if they know of the incident. Innocence is always questionable, and accidents can happen in investigations. This affects the future, and questioning authority could make one classified as having terrorist tendencies. Letting the system run amok today makes an Orwellian future seem like kids play.


Why? Because in the social game of master and slaves, such measures are necessary, with of course with a significant number of people, administering, monitoring, regulating "the others" in a social system built on mistrust. Report any unusual behaviors by workmates, neighbors, as well as passers by. But let us pretend Snowden did not expose this, and live life as if nothing is actually happening.....


The Stazi ran a system oiled by mistrust, and fear, and it worked perfectly, which is why the western security services set the thing up.

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GCHQ has been monitoring and has access to all electronic communication devices. It has been collecting and storing this information for at least a decade it seems, along with the USA's NSA.


From what you click on, write, together with bank and health details suggests there is a comprehensive record on every person using the electronic medium. This concept was invented/perfected by the East German Stazi, which was used for social control.


They know your friends, and other relationships between individuals, and this information does not need to surface unless it is deemed necessary. So children over the last decade, using social media, are all logged, and can if required be used where necessary with current information for the rest of their lives. The authority knows the friends they had before teenagers, while teenagers so a map of interconnections is there in the data base.


So if a mate does something silly they are immediately in the frame, regardless of if they know of the incident. Innocence is always questionable, and accidents can happen in investigations. This affects the future, and questioning authority could make one classified as having terrorist tendencies. Letting the system run amok today makes an Orwellian future seem like kids play.


Why? Because in the social game of master and slaves, such measures are necessary, with of course with a significant number of people, administering, monitoring, regulating "the others" in a social system built on mistrust. Report any unusual behaviors by workmates, neighbors, as well as passers by. But let us pretend Snowden did not expose this, and live life as if nothing is actually happening.....


The Stazi ran a system oiled by mistrust, and fear, and it worked perfectly, which is why the western security services set the thing up.


So what?


Whats the problem if your not doing anything wrong. Im sure they arent all sitting in a room reading & laughing at the drunk txts you send or the fact that you like to watch funny cat videos on youtube.


They are looking for terrorists, criminals, spys.


As a general rule dont look at child porn or how to make a bomb articles on jihad websites and you'll be left well alone.

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Im sure they arent all sitting in a room reading & laughing at the drunk txts you send or the fact that you like to watch funny cat videos on youtube.


I bet some of them are. You know, on a slow day, just to lighten the mood.

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I bet some of them are. You know, on a slow day, just to lighten the mood.


Yeah maybe. I would. :hihi:


But with over 144 billion emails sent everyday i doubt that happens very often.


Im happy for them to have a look at my emails if it stops people flying planes into buildings & blowing up trains in London.


Miniscule price to pay.

Edited by Clown Shoes
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I wasnt agreeing with you.....i was taking your opinion into the argument.

So I say something, you agree with it, but you weren't agreeing? :)


Let's try this, simple exercise.


A filter that blocks access to pornography on the internet doesn't work, because they don't work and are easy to navigate around.


Clown Shoes agrees with this statement?

Clown Shoes doesn't agree with this statement?

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So I say something, you agree with it, but you weren't agreeing? :)


Let's try this, simple exercise.


A filter that blocks access to pornography on the internet doesn't work, because they don't work and are easy to navigate around.


Clown Shoes agrees with this statement?

Clown Shoes doesn't agree with this statement?


You know exactly what i meant!


Go to sleep Chris! :rolleyes:

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I wish I was. I could dream I was talking to someone with wit.


Maybe the reason your so against it is because your a really 14 yr old boy on his schools holidays who's scared that he wont be able to download faked nude pictures of the girls from Game of Thrones anymore and you troll girls that you fancy on snapchat.


Sits in his mums basement trying to send people computer viruses wearing a tin foil hat thinking that the government is trying to read your thoughts.


It kinda makes sense about your reasoning but im probably wrong. I hope so anyway.


Witty enough for ya! :hihi:

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