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Porn to be blocked!!

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A dog peeing through a window is better than doing nothing and it getting out of control.


Anyway. Enough analogies.


I'll have to agree to disagree and I'll leave you guys to it on this one.


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 15:05 ----------



There will be some geeks who will figure it out and some that will not so already its working.


There will be some 14 yr old girls who will & some that wont.


By restricting some kids then its doing its job.

I've got a question for you.


Do you know what the dark net or the deep net is? Its sometimes called the tor network?

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Would probably be alot more children smoking if they didnt have all the measures in place that they do now.


I think that ive said enough on this subject already and have made my point clear but just to reiterate...


I think its a good thing that they will impose an automatic filter on internet connections that will restrict explicit content and if you choose to and your within the law to do so, you can turn off to your hearts content very easily. I believe that it will make it more difficult for children and curious teens to be exposed to pornography material & extreme violence.


If you want to disagree & say thats a bad thing, then carry on.


The sun has come out so im going for a nice bit of lunch in town with my friends.




It's a good thing that this is getting government attention. But what they are proposing won't work.


Plus, porn isn't a bad thing. Watching simulated rape and porn that degrades women is a bad thing. This filter isn't going to do anything to stop access to it though.

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""So if I do nothing wrong, what have I got to hide""


This is what the glib, ill informed, with limited imagination love to quench any debate with, hoping to elevate their ignorance to that of immediate notoriety.


Why collect information on everyone? Because it can be used in the future. You might be a saint, do saintly things and a all round good egg, but your children their friends and your friends just might not be.


The Stazi, and Nazis and it seems the USA and MI% haul people in and interrogate them, as they normally want to know information. This information is about their friends acquaintances, relations etc. Most of the people we know of who underwent torture and incarceration had done nothing wrong, and reluctantly released. Reluctantly released as they now possessed information on torture and the methods used on the innocent. So being innocent does not mean that some will already have decided you are guilty.


How many people died when the IRA bombed, the UK, and mortared Downing Street with Major in it, never mind the ATTEMPT ON THATCHER.


How many people were killed in hospitals through managers attempting to upgrade the Hospital?


How many people die on the roads, through smoking, childbirth??


Well killing on that scale is good for the treasury so that is OK. But ruling a population requires the administration of fear and hope. More fear and a bit of hope, just enough to deter mass suicide. So selling hope and fear is the job oit seems of out and other governments.


Terrorism is a convenient excuse for the corporate world to exploit the tax take in countries. The degree of deaths is not the point the fear is, thus govenments buy security off the peg, with no discount so inflated prices.


To inject fear a government needs victims, to create fear, like crime for instance which is falling in almost all areas and has for a decade or so, but that should not interfere with the corporate takeover and privitisation of the prison service. So more than ever banged up inside as more prisons commissioned.


So nothing to fear as doing nothing wrong? Well saint some might be, but what responsible authority would ever believe that. No individual can be trusted, as they just might change their mind one day. You are a potential terrorist so get used to it, and you know indirectly or directly thieves, wife beaters, and the rest of the human sludge. When you go to a party, go out on a night out, who the hell do you think you are mixing with, "OTHER SAINTS"???? So you just one day might be seen to know things you just don't know, and therefore be regarded as a liar, protecting thieves, criminals and terrorists!


Absolutely fantastic post, thank you.....


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 15:33 ----------


I agree totally with what L00B says >>>I think the problem is not a societal problem warranting Gvt intervention, but still just limited (very much so) to a depraved 'fringe', similar in size/scope/import to extremists/terrorists and which relevant department(s) of the Gvt COULD ALREADY TRACK, ID and NEUTRALIZE PERFECTLY WELL with current resources, given a relevant task order. (If they chose to?)


This measure, as with so many others lately, is symptomatic of a rampant populist race.


That so many people fall head over heels for it is the more worrying aspect.>>>

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Have you noticed how the media have tried to bury this with all the royal baby rubbish?


Which is funny really since this story was only trotted out to bury the lobbying story that has been making Cameron look shifty and nervous.

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I wonder how their software can detect the difference between porn and other imagery?


Because that is what is needed to block porn, a legitimate, legal, multibillion dollar industry that created the web as we know it. \


I can only assume the govt has plans to block misleading advertising from the web as well, which scams millions from British citizens every year.


And that the govt will also be blocking all illegal UCE from reaching our mailboxes too.


How thoughtful of the government.


---------- Post added 24-07-2013 at 00:21 ----------


There's nothing to "bury" as yet- merely talks between HMG and search/website providers.


That's right, nothing to bury at all, and don't you forget it


~yours, Lynton.

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I wonder how their software can detect the difference between porn and other imagery?


Because that is what is needed to block porn, a legitimate, legal, multibillion dollar industry that created the web as we know it. \



---------- Post added 24-07-2013 at 00:21 ----------



That's right, nothing to bury at all, and don't you forget it


~yours, Lynton.


The government isn't going to be doing any 'blocking' - the ISPs will implement filters, which the user can turn on or off at any point. Talk talk already do this, and you can already get software to do it at home if you like. Some mobile networks do it too.


I'm not saying its a good idea, I'd just rather people knew what they were opposed to.

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