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Porn to be blocked!!

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Perhaps, or perhaps its just the politicians want to be seen to do the right thing; but in practice it will acheive nothing.

Oh yes it will. Even if it only succeeds in raising awareness to what innocent children can be exposed to, and how they can be so easily exploited. At least the PM is showing some concern.

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But the materiel that can be accessed these days is FAR different from the dirty mags and odd video that we used to have access to, back in the day!


{boyfriday scuttles off to attic to retrieve old copies of Health & Efficiency}


I might be a while :blush:

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I imagine this will be as successful as the Pirate Bay fiasco. I understand people got round that particular block within seconds of it going in.


Having said that, I do kinda agree with the top ranking comment on the BBC webpage :

"This isn’t really about porn though is it? This is the thin end of the wedge whereby my Glorious Leaders will soon decide which sites are right for me and which aren’t."

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Gesture politics, nothing more. If you want to know how to get round any blocking, just ask your kids...


I'm starting to feel a little concerned for anyone searching for details about Scunthorpe. In more ways than one...

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Bring back the stashes of mucky books discarded on country lanes!


Before long people in Britain will be back to being the under-18s of Europe. Why is it that people in other countries can cope with such things whereas we in Britain are thought to go completely round the bend and start murdering people once we catch a glimpse of inner thigh?

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Before long people in Britain will be back to being the under-18s of Europe. Why is it that people in other countries can cope with such things whereas we in Britain are thought to go completely round the bend and start murdering people once we catch a glimpse of inner thigh?
Dunno..............why do you think it is?
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Oh yes it will. Even if it only succeeds in raising awareness to what innocent children can be exposed to, and how they can be so easily exploited. At least the PM is showing some concern.


No Janie all it will do is force people underground to Freenet / Darknet where everything you can imagine is accessible and untraceable.


Imagine when parents can never see what their "innocent children" do online.

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No Janie all it will do is force people underground to Freenet / Darknet where everything you can imagine is accessible and untraceable.


Imagine when parents can never see what their "innocent children" do online.


Is it so different from not seeing what they do when they're out though because my parents never had a clue what we got up to as kids and teenagers.


We credit our lad with a good deal of common sense and he has an understanding of right and wrong, acceptable and not acceptable so i'm not unduly worried about what he may or may not be viewing as he possesses the intelligence to detract from that and real life.

Out side of the standard pornographic images I saw as a boy I had and still have no interest in 'taking it up a notch' to a stronger hit so it isn't a given that one leads to another.

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