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Porn to be blocked!!

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Are you raising children or are you raising adults?


It's far easier and much smarter to world-proof your children, than to child proof the world.


When i was 16 i couldnt see beheadings at a click of a button or brutal sex videos.


I found rain soaked pornos on my way to school in bushes or sneaked a look at my older brothers like most boys did.


The internet has taken that to another level.


But i can see that you guys mostly have your own political agenda which i think is clouding what is trying to be achieved here. Whether its done right or not.


We could all sit around a table arguing for years about the best way to do it and never really getting anywhere.. Or do something now and then figure if its working or not.


If the government starts restricting news content then kick off then. Not for something that has obvious good intentions.

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If the government starts restricting news content then kick off then. Not for something that has obvious good intentions.


Because blocking sites like the Pirate Bay etc really worked didn't it :rolleyes: Good intentions, ok then.

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