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Porn to be blocked!!

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Watching porn doesn't make some a paedophile though?
That's not what I said, but I will say this. To those who do watch it, read about some of those people (often vulnerable young girls manipulated by dominant men) who have taken part in porn videos and read their accounts of the pressure and coercion they had to experience then you may understand what is meant by sexual exploitation.
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That's not what I said,


It's the link that you made though.


but I will say this. To those who do watch it, read about some of those people (often vulnerable young girls manipulated by dominant men) who have taken part in porn videos and read their accounts of the pressure and coercion they had to experience then you may understand what is meant by sexual exploitation.


and the strawman keeps being rebuilt. Who wants to knock this one down then?

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It's the link that you made though.




and the strawman keeps being rebuilt. Who wants to knock this one down then?

A "strawman" only to someone who wants to turn a blind eye to the reality.


Don't you realise why David Cameron put these plans forward in the first place? It was due to pressure from child protection organisations such as Childline and the NSPCC to name but two.

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That's not what I said, but I will say this. To those who do watch it, read about some of those people (often vulnerable young girls manipulated by dominant men) who have taken part in porn videos and read their accounts of the pressure and coercion they had to experience then you may understand what is meant by sexual exploitation.


Most people watch it, mainly when they're young, and have no issues in later life. I think you've git some kind of issue with porn as a whole. You can't directly connect porn nd paedophilia. It's like blaming murder or suicide on death metal music......

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A "strawman" only to someone who wants to turn a blind eye to the reality.


Don't you realise why David Cameron put these plans forward in the first place? It was due to pressure from child protection organisations such as Childline and the NSPCC to name but two.


Which plans are you talking about? We are discussing these ones restricting what kinds of UK produced consensual adult pornography can be made. Can you provide any links supporting your apparent claims that Childline and the NSPCC have pressured the government into adopting the plans?


If you are really talking about this one aimed at combating abuse of children then that is a separate issue and you are doing yourself no favours by trying to conflate the two.

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Most people watch it, mainly when they're young, and have no issues in later life. I think you've git some kind of issue with porn as a whole. You can't directly connect porn nd paedophilia. It's like blaming murder or suicide on death metal music......
Have you still not grasped why I mentioned paedophilia? I repeat, its referred to in the initial proposals (read the OP) and again in the PMs recent comments, who obviously didn't consider those sensitive creatures amongst you who feel they are being compared to paedophiles
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Talk about making a strawman....


Are you seriously suggesting that all adults who watch porn are somehow now kiddie fiddlers? Do you realise just how many adults actually do watch porn? I suspect the figure would surprise you.


Porn is the canary of free speech - if it does get removed then expect the rest of the free speech we enjoy to start facing further attacks. This may be unpalatable subject to some, but it's one that should concern all of us.




Amusingly, when Internet tracking research has been undertaken into who actually watches porn it seems to be that the more puritanical a demographic claims to be, the more they view Internet porn. Basically most people lie when it comes to viewing porn, and I would hazard a guess that those objecting to it the most on this forum are those most likely to be viewing it.


I don't look at it of course, but I fully support those consenting adults that want to or want to make it. :)

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Which plans are you talking about? We are discussing these ones restricting what kinds of UK produced consensual adult pornography can be made. Can you provide any links supporting your apparent claims that Childline and the NSPCC have pressured the government into adopting the plans?


If you are really talking about this one aimed at combating abuse of children then that is a separate issue and you are doing yourself no favours by trying to conflate the two.


I think the problem may have arisen because two separate threads have been merged. Post 321 is a completely different thread that has either been joined to an old one by mods or the poster did a search and added it to an existing thread.

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I think the problem may have arisen because two separate threads have been merged. Post 321 is a completely different thread that has either been joined to an old one by mods or the poster did a search and added it to an existing thread.


Yeah, that puzzled me for a minute.

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I agree with Julian Huppert here:


New laws that ban certain types of online British porn from being viewed should be debated by MPs, according to a Liberal Democrat MP


Regulations introduced on 1 December bring video-on-demand online porn under the same restrictions as R18 material sold in licensed sex shops.


The government says the law is needed to ensure consistency.


But Julian Huppert says governments should not be preventing adults from viewing legal and consensual sex.


He says any decision to ban things should be based on issues of "consent" and "genuine risk", not moral objection.


It seems to me to be very odd to say that this, assuming it is consensual, is acceptable for somebody to do in their own home, for them to photograph it, film it, but not to look at it online if it comes from the UK.


"To me the case for banning things should be driven by issues around consent, and around genuine risk, not about whether we happen to like things or not.


He has tabled an Early Day motion - which is essentially a proposal for a parliamentary debate - which calls for the regulations to be annulled. Any MP that claims to defend liberty should add their name to the EDM.

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