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Porn to be blocked!!

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My heart really goes out to those soon to be deprived poor adults how will they get through life without their porn supply. :rolleyes:


Truth is I don't care a fig about them. Too many children's lives are being ruined by the actions of paedophiles. Any government initiative to take action against that has my full support.




You have absolutely no clue about this subject do you.


And the problem is that the government is passing policy to appease people like you.


---------- Post added 12-12-2014 at 14:22 ----------


You shouldn't just be able to simply type sexual terms into Google and be instantly linked to porn. The time has come to have a sort of registered opt-in system so that young people don't have easy access to it and have their minds warped by pornography.


Because it shouldn't be their parents who are monitoring their internet usage...


---------- Post added 12-12-2014 at 14:24 ----------


Suggest some of you read the OP link from last year.


One of the initial measures- "A secure database of banned child porn images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it".


That's already being done more frequently since those introduced proposals, so that's a little progress.


Although now is its revealing what a terrible increasing problem online child exploitation is and how it needs to be seriously tackled, as you would have read on the previous link I posted, if you even bothered to read it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30426164


We're currently talking about two things (thanks to some inept thread merging).


1) Child filters, by default opted-in, to be applied by ISPs, requiring the account owner to deliberately opt out.

2) The recent ban on producing in film many acts which are apparently of more interest to female porn viewers than men.


---------- Post added 12-12-2014 at 14:25 ----------


A "strawman" only to someone who wants to turn a blind eye to the reality.


Don't you realise why David Cameron put these plans forward in the first place? It was due to pressure from child protection organisations such as Childline and the NSPCC to name but two.


Child porn on the other hand, has been blocked by ISPs for a long time, and it should obviously remain so.

Nobody has suggested that it shouldn't be blocked. You are linking all porn to child porn, which is pretty abhorrent IMO.

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The ridiculous performative nature of pornography does give a false impression of what sex is; anything less than being a Barby doll bimbo type or having a 12 inch penis may make the young and impressionable feel inadequate.


I've never felt inadequate watching someone with a 12 inch penis having sex just because my penis is only 11 inches.


The reality of life is we do not have equality in looks, size, health, wealth, brain power or anything else. There are winners and losers in everything and it is a pointless excess trying to shield people from the fact.


I agree with Julian Huppert here:


New laws that ban certain types of online British porn from being viewed should be debated by MPs, according to a Liberal Democrat MP


He has tabled an Early Day motion - which is essentially a proposal for a parliamentary debate - which calls for the regulations to be annulled. Any MP that claims to defend liberty should add their name to the EDM.


Absolutely agree. Why busy bodies want to tell consenting adults what they can and can't do/watch is beyond me.

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Are they? that's excellent news.


Great isn't it! I agree with you dear, men who watch porn are just as bad as pedophiles. In fact, maybe you don't go far enough? Maybe you should campaign for all men to be castrated at birth? I am sure there are other female members of this forum who would be eager to join that campaign!


That'll properly protect the children; oh, wait...

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I've never felt inadequate watching someone with a 12 inch penis having sex just because my penis is only 11 inches.


The reality of life is we do not have equality in looks, size, health, wealth, brain power or anything else. There are winners and losers in everything and it is a pointless excess trying to shield people from the fact.




Absolutely agree. Why busy bodies want to tell consenting adults what they can and can't do/watch is beyond me.


Perhaps you have good penis self esteem. Not everyone, particularly children, is as strong in their self belief.


Stopping children easily accessing porn is a worthwhile thing. But it's a job for parents, not ISPs. Although giving parents a 'parental control' isn't a bad thing.

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Stopping children easily accessing porn is a worthwhile thing. But it's a job for parents, not ISPs. Although giving parents a 'parental control' isn't a bad thing.


They could force ISP's to provide some easy opt-in mechanic that would restrict access. Why don't they just do that?

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Are they? that's excellent news.


First they came for the pornographers, and I didn't care because I wasn't a kiddie fiddler.


Then they came for the Communists, and I didn't care because I was a socialist


Then they came for the Jews, and it was no concern to me as I wasn't a money lender


And when they came for the Christians there was no one to help me...




...with apologies to Pastor Niemoller.

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