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Porn to be blocked!!

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It's called "Testing the water"


To be honest I suspect ISPs already report deemed offensive material to the police and probably take action against certain websites


They do. CEOP produce a banned URLs list for the ISPs to block.

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i think enoch was right, there WILL be blood in the streets, there will be rivers of blood, there will be civil unrest













if they ban our bloody porn there will be, men everywhere take up your arms........pull up your trousers and fight for the right to.............



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This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard from a Prime Minister. Which is pretty bad, considering Gordon Brown was PM for a bit.


They are not "porn" filters. They are "adult content filters". I had one foisted on me by orange last year for 2 days due to a software **** up on their servers which set a load of accounts to filter out adult content. How do I know? I wasn't searching for material of such a depraved nature that it would make a German blush when the first redirect adult content blocked screen popped up, I was trying to log onto this forum. Which is banned by oranges adult content filter. As is a forestry forum I use. I was later told by orange they ban ALL forums as even moderated family friendly forums have user generated content which could potentially be adult in nature until it's deleted. So that's forums out the window. Went to check a couple of soccer scores. Blocked, as the site I use has a sidebar with prices from a bookies for upcoming matches. How much more of the web is banned by these things I don't know because having finally got through to orange and been told it would take 48 hours to solve the problem and unlock the account I borrowed my neighbours phone, googled how to get around the block and was round it albeit with a slightly slower speed in literally 5 minutes, and I'm no techy guru.


So it won't actually work, and if it did work it would make the web unusable for everyone in the house, unless you think the web is Cbeebies and the met office.


It's the internet equivalent of ensuring young kids don't stop up later than they are meant to with the lights on by pulling out the master fuse at 7pm every night so the parents then sit about in the dark for a few hours, or go to bed at the same time as the kids.


Utterly embarrassing that the PM has come up with this guff and tried to railroad it through by tying it to already quite rightly massively illegal viewing of child abuse images when it's got nowt to do with it.


The way to stop kids accessing hard porn is for parents to talk to their kids about sex and relationships, and porn in a sensible way, give guidance set boundaries and have one of the vast array of parental control programs set up so the parent can customise what latitude and indeed privacy the child has. And in the context of child it should be remembered that in the context the PM is talking about that includes 16 and 17 year olds who can engage in any lawful sex act, however distateful it may be to some, but bizarrely can't legally view visualisations of said acts performed by over 18s. It's both unrealistic and unhealthly to expect teenagers to live in some glee club bubble of innocence till they wake up on their 18th birthday to a world of reverse dutch steamboats and uncensored frotting that either turns them into a drooling pervert or send them running to the monastery.


0/10 for the PM for this one, a truly New Labour policy which could believably have come from Harriet Harmen herself.

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TBH I thought all this was over banning such as sites that had kiddie sex or violence towards them on them, now I read it's all porn. I don't look myself but I'm sure that plenty of adults (male & female) look at porn, and not the depraved kiddie stuff either.


Is that why your right arm looks like popeyes. :hihi:

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I thought the IWF (created and funded by the ISPs since '96) produced the list (presumably with help from CEOP)?


You're probably right - I'm a bit vague on the details.


The important point is they already try to block access to child porn.

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This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard from a Prime Minister. Which is pretty bad, considering Gordon Brown was PM for a bit.


They are not "porn" filters. They are "adult content filters". I had one foisted on me by orange last year for 2 days due to a software **** up on their servers which set a load of accounts to filter out adult content. How do I know? I wasn't searching for material of such a depraved nature that it would make a German blush when the first redirect adult content blocked screen popped up, I was trying to log onto this forum. Which is banned by oranges adult content filter. As is a forestry forum I use. I was later told by orange they ban ALL forums as even moderated family friendly forums have user generated content which could potentially be adult in nature until it's deleted. So that's forums out the window. Went to check a couple of soccer scores. Blocked, as the site I use has a sidebar with prices from a bookies for upcoming matches. How much more of the web is banned by these things I don't know because having finally got through to orange and been told it would take 48 hours to solve the problem and unlock the account I borrowed my neighbours phone, googled how to get around the block and was round it albeit with a slightly slower speed in literally 5 minutes, and I'm no techy guru.


So it won't actually work, and if it did work it would make the web unusable for everyone in the house, unless you think the web is Cbeebies and the met office.


It's the internet equivalent of ensuring young kids don't stop up later than they are meant to with the lights on by pulling out the master fuse at 7pm every night so the parents then sit about in the dark for a few hours, or go to bed at the same time as the kids.


Utterly embarrassing that the PM has come up with this guff and tried to railroad it through by tying it to already quite rightly massively illegal viewing of child abuse images when it's got nowt to do with it.


The way to stop kids accessing hard porn is for parents to talk to their kids about sex and relationships, and porn in a sensible way, give guidance set boundaries and have one of the vast array of parental control programs set up so the parent can customise what latitude and indeed privacy the child has. And in the context of child it should be remembered that in the context the PM is talking about that includes 16 and 17 year olds who can engage in any lawful sex act, however distateful it may be to some, but bizarrely can't legally view visualisations of said acts performed by over 18s. It's both unrealistic and unhealthly to expect teenagers to live in some glee club bubble of innocence till they wake up on their 18th birthday to a world of reverse dutch steamboats and uncensored frotting that either turns them into a drooling pervert or send them running to the monastery.


0/10 for the PM for this one, a truly New Labour policy which could believably have come from Harriet Harmen herself.



God you must be well hacked off to have written all that, bet you you've got brail on your laptop!:cool:

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