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Any bugs doing the rounds at the moment?


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A couple of weeks ago I had a very severe pain in my jaw/gums that was also giving me earache.


I popped into the drop in clinic on Broad Lane where the doctor examined my throat and ear but couldn't see anything wrong. She suggested going to the dentist because it could be a tooth issue.


I had an X-ray at the dentist, but this didn't show anything up. The dentist did note a crack in one of my teeth, so he's removed a filling and put a new temporary one in it's place.


The pain in my ear/jaw has eased, but I'm not convinced it's due to the dental work.


In the last couple of days my wife has started complaining of horrendous pain in her ear/throat, so much so that's she's had to come home from work this morning. After a wait of about 4 hours, the triage nurse from our local doctors phoned her back and has prescribed her some ear drops, although this was all done over the phone (don't get me started on arranging doctors appointments).


It seems too much of a coincidence that the Mrs and myself have both had a very similar pain to one side of our face within the space of a few weeks.


I was just wondering if anybody else has had something similar recently?





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I've just had the WORST ear infection I've ever had in my life. Horrendous. It hurt just to touch my ear & it hurt right into my face & ear. Only really feeling better today after 4 days of antibiotics.

I'm thinking my eardrum may be left damaged due to some hearing loss still remaining. Last week my daughter had a nasty throat infection & mild earache & today I've noticed my younger daughter pulling her ear too. So yes, I think there is.

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Ten days ago I was ill with flu like symptoms. It was during the heatwave and I had to go to bed because I was shivering, my body ached all over, I had swollen glands in my neck and my head didn't feel as though it belonged to me.

My doctor said there was a virus going around which I'd got and I also had tonsillitis. She prescribed me double strength antibiotics which worked a treat and within 3 days I was feeling much better. So yes some nasty bugs are going around and they make you feel AWFUL. :sad:

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I've just had the WORST ear infection I've ever had in my life. Horrendous. It hurt just to touch my ear & it hurt right into my face & ear. Only really feeling better today after 4 days of antibiotics.

I'm thinking my eardrum may be left damaged due to some hearing loss still remaining. Last week my daughter had a nasty throat infection & mild earache & today I've noticed my younger daughter pulling her ear too. So yes, I think there is.


If I were you, I'd put a stop to that .... :hihi:

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Ten days ago I was ill with flu like symptoms. It was during the heatwave and I had to go to bed because I was shivering, my body ached all over, I had swollen glands in my neck and my head didn't feel as though it belonged to me.

My doctor said there was a virus going around which I'd got and I also had tonsillitis. She prescribed me double strength antibiotics which worked a treat and within 3 days I was feeling much better. So yes some nasty bugs are going around and they make you feel AWFUL. :sad:


Yes I also had glands up in the back of me neck over the weekend. Felt like an egg sticking out. It hurt to tilt my head back because of the lump. It really is a nasty one.

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Yes I also had glands up in the back of me neck over the weekend. Felt like an egg sticking out. It hurt to tilt my head back because of the lump. It really is a nasty one.


You've had a rough couple of weeks haven't you. My heart goes out to you; not in the literal sense of course.

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I've had a nasty ear infection (I didn't take much notice as I'm prone to them) cleared up after course of antibiotics. There is a flu type virus going round and in my case a severe cough (I sound like I'm on 60 a day). I've had it about 10 days now. Can't do anything about it, just let it run it's course. It's nasty and really lays you out. My sympathy to any fellow sufferers.

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Sat in the drop in centre now with my wife.


She's in agony with ear ache. Got a 90 minute wait ahead of us.


She needs some oral antibiotics. My GP tried to give me just drops and I told him if he didn't give me some tablets I would end up in hospital, That's how bad I felt.


Best wishes to your wife. Hope she's better soon xx

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