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We have a new prince called George !! Congratulations thread

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Apparently its George Alexander Louis. I'll bet the Louis is the name Kate wanted and if she wasn't royalty and was just a normal woman her new sons name would just be Louis; the "palace" will have suggested/insisted on George Alexander.


Louis is one of Williams middle names



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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How would you Know?:suspect:
I would know because I was around, and he was a great man. He fought in the battle of Jutland as a young lieutenant, and stayed in London with his family during the blitz when the Palace was bombed. He went into the East End to help people who had lost everything.
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As the title says, this is a 'Congratulations' thread. Some posts have already been removed, so lets try and keep this on topic please.


If anyone wishes to start a general discussion about the wider aspects of childbrith, please feel free. But not on this thread, thank you.

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Glad to hear both healthy and well. :)


Now fingers crossed they go with my 9 million to 1 shot on them calling him Theophilus P Wildebeeste Windsor


We had a sweep down the boozer. I drew Eric. I thought I was in with a real shout on that one.

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