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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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Different system, as I suspect you know. The American President is the Commander in chief & Chief executive. The Irish President fulfills the same role more or less as a Monarch, representing the people in an official capacity.


The difference being that the role isn't hereditary & you don't have to bow & scrape to them. I had the pleasure of meeting Mary McAleese when she was President. I was meeting & talking to the first citizen of Ireland, & my equal. Impressive woman by the way.

It always amuses me when royalists argue 'we wouldn't be able to find anyone suitable.'

There are 4.6 million people in the Republic & 62 million in the UK. I'm sure there's a decent candidate amongst that lot, bearing in mind the last three Irish Presidents have been exceptional, & the present President is a decent man.


How can you compare anything Ireland has to offer to the Royal family :loopy:

That amuses me :roll:

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A question for any royalists who'd like to answer.


Imagine the tables were turned, we were a republic, and always had been.


Would you vote to install a popular land owning family as royalty, and set up a hereditary monarchy?


hahaaa....thats gonna take some answering :hihi:

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A question for any royalists who'd like to answer.


Imagine the tables were turned, we were a republic, and always had been.


Would you vote to install a popular land owning family as royalty, and set up a hereditary monarchy?


We did when we tried an executive "Lord Protector" and found it not to our tastes.

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That sounds like comparing total tourism with other countries, which is not the same as the draw factor of the monarchy. It would include other factors like whether a Japanese tourist may choose Mablethorpe or St Tropez as a beach destination.


I think the reality is most people are happy with the system we have because it works, makes money and gives Britain that intangible influence that have the Queen brings to the country. If we had a useless monarch then public opinion could well change in very short order, and who knows what will happen when charles gets promotion. But at the moment, the people are happy with the system and you don't fix what ain't broken.

I agree,I think most people are happy with the system in place................that is except for a large amount of Socialists who are unhappy with any form of authority ,uniform or religion which contributes to the well known saying that "There is no joy in Socialism" misery, constant sniping,envy,and a feeling of failure is their trademark!...................we know you are just as worthy as the next person so why not ease up and relax a little,.....if only.
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Ireland sounds like the place you'd be happiest then if the fact the UK has a Royal Familly really gets on your nerves that much.


Brilliant incisive answer, one usually employed by a child :D.


I will in fact live exactly where I wish, & as throughout my working life I have been responsible for contributing a substantial amount of tax to the UK I think I'll remain here for a while OK? :D

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A question for any royalists who'd like to answer.


Imagine the tables were turned, we were a republic, and always had been.


Would you vote to install a popular land owning family as royalty, and set up a hereditary monarchy?

A question for left wing Socialists.

Who would you install?

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