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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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Mary McAleese was preceded by Mary Robinson I think, also a very good President. I believe both women are from Ulster, which is remarkable and a good sign for Irish future. I never worried too much in the past about Queen Elizabeth. I worked for her aboard her ships for a long time. The only time I saw her in the flesh was when she passed us on the Royal Yacht during the Fleet review in the Clyde in 1964. Our First Lieutenant took me to task for having a little dandruff on my uniform collar, as the Queen was passing by. I said to him "She must have really good eyesight then, sir". I got away with it

Afterwards I bet you went for a tot and blue liner !

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I do think it's sad that we're going down this route of just throwing insults at each other.


But it worked. I'm a converted republican, which is actually harder than I thought. I still live in a monarchy, and i am still, technically a royal subject. On average 70% of people I know are stupid and servile. I had a similar conversation with mother, another one of "those". Called her stupid for wanting a monarchy. She'll soon come around.


I eased my anger by wondering what to with the monarchy once we have our day. Exile would be easiest but I thought stick the old ones in care homes. A crap one at that. Forget about what they think they've done in their lifetime. Service in world war 2? Old news phil. The two young princes can sod off to America like the other failed royals. They can have their so called skills of pioleting helicopters. (Those idiots in dingies he allegedly plucked from the sea need to be monitored - I smell a set up)


Now the palaces will still be tourist attractions and if we don't have these freeloaders in them we can just make the gift shop bigger. Some I'd just knock down - parking if nothing else. I don't even what some of them look like so they can go. Balmoral can be turned into a golf club. Sanderingham, leave to the locals.


So we are down to replacements. Our democracy is the most envied in the world - and with such luminaries as David Cameron, boris Johnson and hangus the monkey elected into various offices over the last few years, who are we to doubt it. Doesn't need to be any of these politicians who go for the top job. Hard to imagine piers Morgan putting his hat in the ring (he's dealt with foreign dignitaries before remember). They'll be others, maybe one of police commissioners who coasted into power with up to 40% of the 20% of people who voted. Any one of these could be on a stamp.


The future looks bright.

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So, because you have managed splash I'm a republican you think you're not technically a subject? Have you defaced your passport then, surely the crest on the front makes you go even more foamy at the mouth.


Never assume. I was born with the birthright of dual nationality. My passport has a harp on the front of it. It is rather superior I feel to one which displays a unicorn -which is mythical- a lion - which has no bearing to the country it refers to- & a crown which signifies subjugation. :hihi:


Whats 'managed splash' ?

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The problem is Andy that thousands of little lads and lasses in England are as we speak wondering how they will be able to afford the next batch of nappies or baby food.


The Royal? couple stand outside some posh hospital [no NHS for them] showing of their wealth and privalage for all to see, they never and I mean never utter a word that they realise just how privalaged they and their extended family's are.


If they showed that they understand that their position is just an accident of birth and not a right then people who call for their removal would understand them better.


How were they showing off their wealth and privalage for all to see,apart from it being a private hospital they looked like any other normal parents..The car seat was a cheaper britax model,and William looked so nervous putting it in the car for the first time. a close up of the lovely Kates nails looked worse than mine.

What a lovely baby love to them all.

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Never assume. I was born with the birthright of dual nationality. My passport has a harp on the front of it. It is rather superior I feel to one which displays a unicorn -which is mythical- a lion - which has no bearing to the country it refers to- & a crown which signifies subjugation. :hihi:


Whats 'managed splash' ?


How would you feel if Northern and Southern Ireland were united and became part of the United Kingdom as a single state. ?

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How would you feel if Northern and Southern Ireland were united and became part of the United Kingdom as a single state. ?
How would you feel if the UK became the 5th province of a United Ireland? They could use the money. They have the brains.
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How would you feel if Northern and Southern Ireland were united and became part of the United Kingdom as a single state. ?

Perhaps in the future? another King William of Ireland?

I'm sure that will be unanimously welcomed in Ireland.:hihi:


---------- Post added 24-07-2013 at 14:03 ----------



Where have I heard that before.:mad:
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