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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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Yes I know, exactly the same with the brick-layer and brain-surgeon examples I gave. Not at all based on merit or worthiness.


I'm not sure there's anything in the constitution that says a bricklayer's son must become a bricklayer..whereas with the Monarchy....

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I'm not sure there's anything in the constitution that says a bricklayer's son must become a bricklayer..whereas with the Monarchy....


Well, in that case, perhaps my small example will humbly serve to highlight the insanity of the constitution. :)

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A brick-layer has a son, the son has a genius IQ, however, because he is a brick-layers son, it stands to reason that he should be a brick-layer. blah de blah *snip*
That's far too simplistic even for SF. :hihi:


What if the eldest progeny of a monarch was a talented musician and wanted to be in a rock band ... just tough because the nation expects them to junk their own ambitions and doing anything else but going into the services wouldn't be fitting for the future monarch.


I think William might be the last, because he's led a fairly normal life in comparison to his forebears and his wife is an ordinary girl. I'd guess their kids will just be allowed to do as they like, and that probably won't include being a figurehead and having to fall into line despite your own ambitions.


It's all about the cult of self today.

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That's far too simplistic even for SF. :hihi:


What if the eldest progeny of a monarch was a talented musician and wanted to be in a rock band ... just tough because the nation expects them to junk their own ambitions and doing anything else but going into the services wouldn't be fitting for the future monarch.


Well, when you say 'nation', I hope that doesn't include me!


I think they (like everyone else) should be free to do what they want, and their success in their chosen career, be a function of natural talent and hard work. Not be based on who their parents are.


Someone was calling me a republican earlier, I'm not sure what that is, or if it was intended as an insult at all? I don't give much thought to that kind of thing, but I do like the sound of a meritocracy, where the people who deserve it, who earn it, do well. That very much appeals to me.


I think William might be the last, because he's led a fairly normal life in comparison to his forebears and his wife is an ordinary girl. I'd guess their kids will just be allowed to do as they like, and that probably won't include being a figurehead and having to fall into line despite your own ambitions.


I have no idea how it will pan out. Hope it all works out well though.


It's all about the cult of self today.


Not the cult of personality?


Did you mean, it's all about individualism? Rather than it being more of a social thing, all for the collective good etc?

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Who decides who deserves what though?


Well, I would think, that would perhaps be nature.


So, whoever produces a thing of the best quality, or more efficiently, or who delivers the best quality service; those people prosper. Perhaps they deserve to prosper because they have spent years and years learning their craft, honing their skill etc.


What would you think? If you had to answer your own question?

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The problem is Andy that thousands of little lads and lasses in England are as we speak wondering how they will be able to afford the next batch of nappies or baby food.


The Royal? couple stand outside some posh hospital [no NHS for them] showing of their wealth and privalage for all to see, they never and I mean never utter a word that they realise just how privalaged they and their extended family's are.


If they showed that they understand that their position is just an accident of birth and not a right then people who call for their removal would understand them better.


the little lads and lasses will be getting their money from the ooming rights pilocks like you and me brother


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 23:00 ----------


You really do fit the profile of an out & out royalist, thick as pudding :hihi:.


You assume because I have no time for royalty or servile behavior that I'm a communist? What a clown :D. Communism is one of the daftest ideas ever thought up by man, goes against human nature & is completely unworkable as has been proved.


For the last sixteen years of my working life I owned & ran my own company before selling it & retiring. Some Commie :).


For your information my not too bright friend I don't believe in any 'isms'. Capitalism, communism, fascism,monarchism all flawed.


Capitalism was the one most likely to work as it does allow for human nature. Then the 'powers that be' in their wisdom decided to remove the one thing that kept it in check, the fear of failure.

Bail out private speculation debt with public money. Brilliant idea!


oo throwing our toys out of the pram are we? have you ever worked for a living or are you a middle class wannabe working class

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