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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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Many children are born into a life of luxury, you don't need to be monarchy related. Unlike most kids with a wealthy background though this kid will be raised under the microscope, its every move and action will be monitored. The delusional who seek grandeur in their princes and princesses perpetuate this cruelty by feeding off of it.


In any other normal circumstance this would be regarded as an act of abuse and an affront to civil liberty.


because im Brittish and proud of it why don,t you go to Africa its obvious you hate this country

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the little lads and lasses will be getting their money from the ooming rights pilocks like you and me brother


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 23:00 ----------



oo throwing our toys out of the pram are we? have you ever worked for a living or are you a middle class wannabe working class


Yes worked for a living for many years for several companies & ran my own business - successfully- for 16 years.


Simply an observation davebrmm. In general I do find that royalists are thick as pudding.

After all, to accept being referred to as a 'subject' & a 'commoner' does kind of indicate that these are people who don't really think things through doesn't it?

The other alternative being I suppose, that they are such a pack of subservient, servile serfs that they accept what people who they consider to be 'better' than them say. without question. :D


And for your information I do not consider myself as belonging to any 'class'. I am just me, don't require placing in someone else's box.

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It's a simple enough question.


Why do royalists think that the the baby born today is more special than any other born today? What has it done differently from any other baby?


Why is one born into a life of luxury, whereas the other might be dead in a week..why do you care about the rich white one but not the dead black one?


It's all bizarre to me.....why do you only care about the richest baby born today, but couldn't give a damn if thousands of others died?


because we are British and proud of it


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:29 ----------


You really do fit the profile of an out & out royalist, thick as pudding :hihi:.


You assume because I have no time for royalty or servile behavior that I'm a communist? What a clown :D. Communism is one of the daftest ideas ever thought up by man, goes against human nature & is completely unworkable as has been proved.


For the last sixteen years of my working life I owned & ran my own company before selling it & retiring. Some Commie :).


For your information my not too bright friend I don't believe in any 'isms'. Capitalism, communism, fascism,monarchism all flawed.


Capitalism was the one most likely to work as it does allow for human nature. Then the 'powers that be' in their wisdom decided to remove the one thing that kept it in check, the fear of failure.

Bail out private speculation debt with public money. Brilliant idea![/QOTE]

feel sorry for you pal not well bred enough to be a toff and too rich to be working class


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:34 ----------


In the words of the one true King, Elvis, Ah Thank ya, thank ya very much, hu hu. :)


he could.nt sin iether


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:35 ----------


In the words of the one true King, Elvis, Ah Thank ya, thank ya very much, hu hu. :)


he could.nt sing iether

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because we are British and proud of it


Let me interpret.


'Because we are thick as two short planks', Because we are subservient & love to bow & scrape', 'Because these people who have managed the extraordinary feat of being born are superior to us lowly serfs', 'Because after 1,000 years of serfdom our servile gene has developed to such an extent that we actually enjoy the thought that someone is 'better' than us in some inexplicable way'.


Please feel free to use whichever statement is applicable davebrmm. Alternatively, try & answer taxmans question with a logical reasoned answer.


Cannot do it can you? Which leads me to the inevitable conclusion that the first statement above is the winner :D.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:44 ----------


Brilliant! Like all of us, Elvis could in fact sin. He could also sing although in my opinion not as well as Sam Cooke, check out ' A change is gonna come'.


It's couldn't & either. Normally I wouldn't pick up on that sort of thing because we all do it on occasion but really you do just keep proving the point.


Royalist = not the sharpest tool in the box. :)

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It's bizarre to me also taxman. The pretence of royalty is an affront to the dignity of the human spirit of everyman. All people are born pure, and equal. The notion of royalty is a divisive mechanism whereby a few people control and enslave the masses, and the masses lap it up!


At least, that is how I see it.

the royals control nothing and nobody and bring millions in through tourism you middle class moron

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the royals control nothing and nobody and bring millions in through tourism you middle class moron


No they don't, you no class moron. Total figment of the rather stunted imagination of Royalists.


Of the top 8 countries in the world in terms of visiting tourists only 2 have monarchies.


France is number one, remember what they did to their monarchy?

America is number two, remember what they did to our monarchy?

China is third.

The UK is eighth.


The only other monarchy in the top eight is Spain, who goes to Spain because of their monarchy?


I would argue that if we get rid of them we could then open Buckingham Palace & the other royal palaces to the public & that WOULD bring in serious money.

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