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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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No they don't, you no class moron. Total figment of the rather stunted imagination of Royalists.


Of the top 8 countries in the world in terms of visiting tourists only 2 have monarchies.


France is number one, remember what they did to their monarchy?

America is number two, remember what they did to our monarchy?

China is third.

The UK is eighth.


The only other monarchy in the top eight is Spain, who goes to Spain because of their monarchy?


I would argue that if we get rid of them we could then open Buckingham Palace & the other royal palaces to the public & that WOULD bring in serious money.


You might want to shut your treasonous mouth. You can still go to prison for life. I shall alert the Crown to this thread and hopefully you will experience the very real power of our Royals. God save the Queen.


Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment.

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You might want to shut your treasonous mouth. You can still go to prison for life. I shall alert the Crown to this thread and hopefully you will experience the very real power of our Royals. God save the Queen.


Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment.


Yeah, very amusing, as it happens, the freedom fought for by my fathers generation ensures that I ,& clowns like you, are completely free to voice our opinions.


If you don't like it I suggest you join the BNP -if you're not already a member - & attempt to get them elected I'm sure they would like to enact the type of crap you appear to favour.


Good luck with the getting them elected bit :D.

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Yeah, very amusing, as it happens, the freedom fought for by my fathers generation ensures that I ,& clowns like you, are completely free to voice our opinions.


If you don't like it I suggest you join the BNP -if you're not already a member - & attempt to get them elected I'm sure they would like to enact the type of crap you appear to favour.


Good luck with the getting them elected bit :D.


I wonder if you'll be so cocky when you're chained to a damp stone wall in the Tower of London wearing an iron gimp mask. keep spouting your Royal hate. And just so you know, I shall be at the front ready with a bucket of rotten tomatoes.

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I wonder if you'll be so cocky when you're chained to a damp stone wall in the Tower of London wearing an iron gimp mask. keep spouting your Royal hate. And just so you know, I shall be at the front ready with a bucket of rotten tomatoes.


Actually Arrr Sez I kind of suspect that if someone was chained up & gimp masks were involved you would be at the rear rather than the front :D.


I haven't been misinterpreting your forum name have I? Always assumed the Arrr stood for Arse :D

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Actually Arrr Sez I kind of suspect that if someone was chained up & gimp masks were involved you would be at the rear rather than the front :D.


I haven't been misinterpreting your forum name have I? Always assumed the Arrr stood for Arse :D


So because I'm offended by your treacherous attacks on the Royal family which I find most offensive, you are now calling me names. Hate seems to be your general mo doesn't it. Hopefully the Royal Guard will be at your door by the end of the day.

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So because I'm offended by your treacherous attacks on the Royal family which I find most offensive, you are now calling me names. Hate seems to be your general mo doesn't it. Hopefully the Royal Guard will be at your door by the end of the day.


I'm calling YOU names? Your first comment to me was to 'shut my treasonous mouth.' :D


I merely referred to you as a clown, as we have spoken on previous threads you know very well that that is not a 'name' but in fact a very accurate & incisive description of your normal contribution. :hihi:


As for my deduction drawn from your user name & the picture of a sailor as your avatar you must admit it was an easy mistake to make. :o


Tonight my grandson is sleeping over so could you ask the Royal Guard to show up wearing full dress uniform, & before his bedtime please?


Only he loves all that kind of stuff & will be delighted to see them.

He's only just five of course & that does tend to be the mental age of most people who enjoy pomp & ceremony. :)


As for hate, no never actually hated anyone in my life. I leave that to bigots & racists who seem to require an inexhaustible supply, & far be it for me to deprive them of any of their necessary fuel.

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I'm just waiting for Oprah Freakin' Winfrey to announce she's pregnant and then the whole country will come to a stop and every news channel completely cleared of everything but Oprah's pregnancy


Well, I admire Oprah Winfrey! My wife watches her shows and how could anybody not admire somebody who could change shape and gain - or lose - so much weight from one day to the next?


One episode of fat Oprah, followed by 3 episodes of thin Oprah, then back to fat Oprah for two more.


Did she make her money out of selling diet programmes? - She seems to have had a secret nobody else knew.:hihi:

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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?


In a country where people worship D list celebs, the Royals almost seem worthy in comparison.


Well yes Prince Harry has done more hard work than say Wayne Rooney. However I still dont see the point why we have to bank roll the royal family.

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Well, I admire Oprah Winfrey! My wife watches her shows and how could anybody not admire somebody who could change shape and gain - or lose - so much weight from one day to the next?


One episode of fat Oprah, followed by 3 episodes of thin Oprah, then back to fat Oprah for two more.


Did she make her money out of selling diet programmes? - She seems to have had a secret nobody else knew.:hihi:


Who else but Oprah Freakin' Winfrey could cause a near international inicident over a 38 thousand dollar handbag. She claimed that a sales clerk in a Swiss store refused to show her the bag.


The sales clerk will of course be severely censored if not fired cos you dont p**s off Oprah Freakin' W.


I was always a bit surprised that the Oprah show was never televised from the White House after Obama was elected

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