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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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I am quite happy paying my tax....but please don't tell me to shut up

who do you think you are.....the bloody Queen :P


wold,nt like to be you not rich enough to be a toff and too rich to be a moron like me


---------- Post added 25-08-2013 at 18:15 ----------


Yes but 3 quid a month will save them all and if you dont like kids,theres always ,donkeys,tigers,ponys or even trees :) :)


since the Europeans [not just us brits ] left they've starved where has all the money raised by the blessed Geldhoff gone? strange name for a paddy that

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think we all know that the royals are just the same as us. We just like them being there so we can get a nice royal wedding every so often. Also i think they provide a little bit of drama and event to the country. A bit like a national soap opera.


But this baby is no better than a baby born in the roughest council estate in Sheffield. If anyone thinks this baby is better than them just because it happened to occupy Kate Middleton's womb i despair.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Let me interpret.


'Because we are thick as two short planks', Because we are subservient & love to bow & scrape', 'Because these people who have managed the extraordinary feat of being born are superior to us lowly serfs', 'Because after 1,000 years of serfdom our servile gene has developed to such an extent that we actually enjoy the thought that someone is 'better' than us in some inexplicable way'.


Please feel free to use whichever statement is applicable davebrmm. Alternatively, try & answer taxmans question with a logical reasoned answer.


Cannot do it can you? Which leads me to the inevitable conclusion that the first statement above is the winner :D.


---------- Post added 16-08-2013 at 22:44 ----------


Brilliant! Like all of us, Elvis could in fact sin. He could also sing although in my opinion not as well as Sam Cooke, check out ' A change is gonna come'.


It's couldn't & either. Normally I wouldn't pick up on that sort of thing because we all do it on occasion but really you do just keep proving the point.


Royalist = not the sharpest tool in the box. :)

What do you know about tools and short planks middle class moron

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What do you know about tools and short planks middle class moron


Let you out have they? We've missed you & your Wildean wit. Middle class? born in a two up two down terrace in Heeley. Yeah that's me, I hold my little finger out when I drink Earl Grey from china tea cups.


Moronic? Well you may have something there we are all morons in some way shape or form. :D


---------- Post added 08-10-2013 at 23:50 ----------


Although I have to say upon reflection, you are giving us morons a bad name :D

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  • 2 months later...
Yes but 3 quid a month will save them all and if you dont like kids,theres always ,donkeys,tigers,ponys or even trees :) :)

africa can grow anything the millions sent over is used by their leaders to buy rolls royces and private armies


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 12:43 ----------


Let you out have they? We've missed you & your Wildean wit. Middle class? born in a two up two down terrace in Heeley. Yeah that's me, I hold my little finger out when I drink Earl Grey from china tea cups.


Moronic? Well you may have something there we are all morons in some way shape or form. :D


---------- Post added 08-10-2013 at 23:50 ----------


Although I have to say upon reflection, you are giving us morons a bad name :D


I was born on penistone rd in the middle of the steelworks gas works power station we used to go to heeley for our holidays

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---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 12:43 ----------



I was born on penistone rd in the middle of the steelworks gas works power station we used to go to heeley for our holidays


Bloody hell! Two months & eight days, then you reply? You either possess the slowest thought process's known to man, or they locked you up again for your own safety.


Which is it? :)

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