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Why do some people think Royals are better than them?

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I don't look on them as being better than me....and to be honest I wouldn't want their lives for all the tea in China.......

None of them asked to be born, they were from no fault of their own born into royalty

and have done the job they were brought up to do, some have been better at it than others..

I am glad we have a royal family......I am proud to be British and think they do a lot of good for this country

There is so much crap going off in the world, so a royal wedding and a royal baby just take the emphasis away for a short time.....ok the media do go OTT but that's the media for ya

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I don't look on them as being better than me....and to be honest I wouldn't want their lives for all the tea in China.......

None of them asked to be born, they were from no fault of their own born into royalty

and have done the job they were brought up to do, some have been better at it than others..

I am glad we have a royal family......I am proud to be British and think they do a lot of good for this country

There is so much crap going off in the world, so a royal wedding and a royal baby just take the emphasis away for a short time.....ok the media do go OTT but that's the media for ya


As I pointed out in my previous post, to them you are merely a 'subject' & a 'commoner' Therefore your views whether for, or against, mean absolutely nothing to them. You are inconsequential, keep paying your tax & shut up. Thank you. :D

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As I pointed out in my previous post, to them you are merely a 'subject' & a 'commoner' Therefore your views whether for, or against, mean absolutely nothing to them. You are inconsequential, keep paying your tax & shut up. Thank you. :D


I am quite happy paying my tax....but please don't tell me to shut up

who do you think you are.....the bloody Queen :P

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Mori polling since 1993 on republican vs monarchist. - http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/poll.aspx?oItemId=122&view=wide


The figures speak for themselves.


They do indeed. They confirm my original observation that a large number of Britain's possess a servile gene, whereby they positively relish being regarded as serfs, & accept being referred to as 'subjects' & 'commoners' without objection. Totally pathetic in my view, but there you go, each to their own .

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They do indeed. They confirm my original observation that a large number of Britain's possess a servile gene, whereby they positively relish being regarded as serfs, & accept being referred to as 'subjects' & 'commoners' without objection. Totally pathetic in my view, but there you go, each to their own .


Either that or they prefer a parliamentary system rather than an executive presidential system and that being the case prefer their symbolic head of state to be one steeped in British tradition and that generates huge amounts of money for the taxpayer rather than costing huge amounts as in comparable nations like Germany?


But your theory that it's genetic is also an idea. Who knows eh?

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This monarch is apolitical. The next may not be.


A politician and a written constitution for the people.


Because giving someone power based purely on which womb they popped out of is a form of madness.


That's a very loaded question. We can both play those games. Having a democratic head replace a monarch is backwards?


Our monarchy has power. That's that statement dead.


And, I repeat - an attack on democracy is not a defence of monarchy.


How would you decide whether to drop the monarchy or not?...? Some form of referendum?

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