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5/6 a Side Football - Regular Players Needed

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For the last 15 years or more, a group of locals have played 5/6 a side football at Paces and now more recently Ecclesfield School in the Sports Hall. We play Friday evening at 7.30 for an hour, at a cost of £3 per person. We would welcome any players interested from 14 upwards to whatever age (three of us are +50) to ensure we can keep this going. You don't have to be Pele, just capable and more importantly to enjoy it in a not too serious environment. We have a laugh and it keeps us fit - you will know you have played for an hour when you have done. Currently we are taking a short two week break but we will resume again on Friday 9th August at Ecclesfield School - we play every week then except for bank holidays and Xmas. If you are interested and can attend each week, then reply via the forum and we can discuss - we need 4 or 5 players who will play regularly.

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Steve, you would be more than welcome to join us - we start again on Friday 9th August, be there for around 7.20. for kick off 7.30 prompt, £3 per session. We have bibs so don't worry about shirt colour, we are of varying levels but main thing is to enjoy it. Any problems, drop me an email and also if you know of anyone else who may be interested, then let me know. Cheers.

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Hi, I would also like to join your 5/6 a side team. I'm 33, recently moved to Ecclesfield and interested in getting to know some locals and have a kick about, if there are still places available. Thanks, Mike

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Mike, You would be more than welcome to join us. We start again on Friday 9th August, be there for around 7.20. for kick off 7.30 prompt, £3 per session. We have bibs so don't worry about shirt colour, and we are of varying levels of ability but main thing is to enjoy it without getting too serious. Any problems, drop me an email on and also if you know of anyone else who may be interested, then let me know - we could do with another couple of players to keep the numbers up. Cheers, Nigel.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Nigel,

This sounds like my cup of tea. I play football 5 a side minimum on a regular basis but relying on players is very frustrating. I can commit, I'm 27 and I was wondering if I can come along?


Ps if so can you give me the information where you play?

Thanks again

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We play at Ecclesfield School in the Sports Hall every Friday night except for Xmas and Good Friday. Officially we play 7.45 to 8.45 but there is no one on before us so we get there in time to kick off at 7.30 (so aim to arrive 7.20). Last week we had 12 turn up, last night 9, so you would be more than welcome to join us. To be honest the sports hall is so big playing 5 aside can be a struggle at times, so 12 or 14 players is ideal.


Cost is £3 a week and we have bibs and balls, so just bring yourself and some strong trainers. If you intend to come along, drop me an email to confirm and if you let me have your mobile then I can text you on the very odd occasion that the session is cancelled (Ecclesfield School have first call on the hall). Ages range from 18-55 so its quite a range but its good fun, a good workout, plus you will know you have played after an hour or so!!





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Hi mate,


don't know if i'm too late but just moved to Sheff and looking for a bit of football. I used to play with a bunch of lads who had been going for 35 years and theyve just given up as the guy who ran it was 70!! (I'm a bit younger at 28 )


If you have any places available it'd be great to have a kick a bout.





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