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Where can I buy a mains-wired house alarm?

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I'm after a mains-wired house alarm, they used to sell them everywhere but all I can find lately is wireless alarm kits and low voltage units that run from a plug in transformer.


Just to be clear, I'm not after one that is powered by a 240v wall socket, I'm after one that can be wired into the mains directly (obviously, using a fuse)


Any help finding one is appreciated

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I'm after a mains-wired house alarm, they used to sell them everywhere but all I can find lately is wireless alarm kits and low voltage units that run from a plug in transformer.


Just to be clear, I'm not after one that is powered by a 240v wall socket, I'm after one that can be wired into the mains directly (obviously, using a fuse)


Any help finding one is appreciated


Couldn't you wire a "plugged" one into a fused spur anyway?

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Can I ask why you specifically want a 240 volt one?.. just being nosey :)




a) The wiring is already there (power supply, bell box feed, PIR/reed switch wires) from the current faulty alarm, it would make things a lot easier if I can just get another one.


b) There are no electrical wall sockets near where the main unit will be located


c) I don't want a wireless kit

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Why not buy one which simply fits into a lightbulb socket (i.e. between the bulb and the fitment)?


I thought they'd been banned for being the horrible bodge that they are. Besides, doing this would mean the alarm was only powered when the lights are on.


Lighting circuits should ONLY be used for lighting purposes.

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