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Are Scottish notes legal tender and accepted in England?

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Search for "I Think You'll Find Pal, That's Legal Tender" on You Tube :hihi: . I won't post a link because the clip contains some swearing and might be taken off.

I have worked in shops and pubs and Scottish banknotes are so uncommon that staff will likely be unaware how to identify one as genuine, so it's just easier to refuse to accept them in the first place.

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  • 8 months later...
Anyone know if Scottish bank notes are usually accepted in pubs/bars/shops in Sheffield?


Heading down tomorrow and kind of wish I got English notes just in case!


I'd have thought so, if not can you not nip in one of our many banks and just change them, I doubt you'll have any problems though.

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The banks will change them.

Big outlets will usually take them but there is no requirement for any body to take them as payment.


If given change involving Scottish issued notes you are perfectly within your rights to refuse them.

Legal tender is a complex issue and has been discussed.

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I agree with whats been said mostly. I lived in Scotland for many many years, coming back to Sheffield recently - so I was always bringing Scottish notes back and forth with me. Although they are legal tender, it always amazed me how many places initially refused them in shops and such. Often a quick check with someone in charge would sort it, but it wasn't unknown for them to be refused on occasion.

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