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Are Scottish notes legal tender and accepted in England?

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English notes are legal tender in Scotland, although they're pretty rare. This is despite Scottish notes not being legal tender, even though everyone accepts them. This is due to some idiot forgetting a sentence in a law three hundred years ago. Scottish shops are also much more likely to accept Northern Irish notes comapred to down here, although those NI transparent fivers are way too cool to actually spend.


I've also never heard of anyone mistaking a green, tiny, rare £1 for a blue, bigger, common fiver before.

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Why should english notes be accepted in scotland then?


Quite. We should all have to change our money at the border really, just to be on the safe side.


Although, as I previously mentioned, why do we all have different money anyway? We being Ulster, Scotland and Wales/England?


ps loving the christmas decorations on the thread headers :D

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They are clearly marked as 'Sterling' (unlike Northern Irish notes, which are not), and therefore legal currency.


I was going to post 'look for sterling', but you beat me to it. (by 2 pages actually)


BUT.. i picked up some Irish chicks the other week in me cab, (going to see Razorlight, so no accounting for taste) and they handed me an Irish note, and it had Sterling written on it. So I think maybe they do, or at least some do. (well the bank took it, so I guess it had some value)


ash (and yes they had dam sexy accents)



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Well I used to live in Scotland, and when I came down to England on visits with a walletful (ish!!!!) of Scottish notes I never had any trouble spending them. A few funny looks maybe and a few cashiers checking with their managers, but no one ever refused them. One pound notes seem to cause the most confusion :rolleyes:

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Currently in my wallet, I have notes from the Bank of Ireland, Ulster Bank and The Northern Bank, with a pile of coin. I also came over with notes from Scotland. As long as I can spend them, it's all good!


Sure is different than Canadian currency...

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