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Are American Presidents embarrassing?

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I suppose many of we Brits are always incredulous when Americans praise these elected guys like they're Gods, when any US Joe Public can theoretically become one?


But aren't they usually just embarrassing idiots (like our duller, home-grown bumbling buffoons?)? Reagan? Bush Jnr and to some dubious extent, Clinton? I like Obama, and Politics aside, he is a vast improvement on his awful and moronic predecessor, George 'Dubya' Buch Jnr?


Dubya was infamous for his Bushisms- incoherent, incorrect or stupid speeches or statements which even an illiterate ten year old could have better prepared?


Dubya said, amongst a huge back catalogue of disastrous and idiotic statements (these are quite coherent by comparison);


"The problem with the French is that they have no word for entrepreneur!"

(To Blair in 2001-2 about the failing French economy)


"And one of the things we've got to make sure that we do is anything."

(Discussing the Middle East after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Washington D.C. 2002


"Goodbye from the World's worst Polluter!"

(Smiling and whooping to a stunned Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy) when leaving the 2008 G-8 Summit in Tokyo)


Presidential aides must have mimicking Homer Simpson behind his back!

How stupid and disturbing can the World's most powerful man, with a nuclear button, be?


Reagan gave the coup de grace to the Communist Empire and Bush Jnr did a lot for AIDS victims in Africa.


What has any UK leader done that's been worth a s**t to the world in the last 5 decades ?

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George Bush junior was stupid in a very alarming and dangerous way.


For all the resources at his disposable for finding the most wanted man in history Bin Laden, he gave him weeks head start for supposedly instigating 9/11, in that fashion, 9/11 was either an inside job or someone else was responsible, they used Bin Laden as a scape goat either way.



Some on here will swear it was Thatcher.

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Reagan gave the coup de grace to the Communist Empire and Bush Jnr did a lot for AIDS victims in Africa.


What has any UK leader done that's been worth a s**t to the world in the last 5 decades ?

Wow, so those two dullards had aides that did some decent work, besides their innate bungling and laughable idiocy? Well done, backroom staff on behalf of their moronic figureheads.


Bush Dubya also said to the Brazilian PM "So you have blacks, too!?" He cares about Africans, though? :hihi:


Last five decades, for starters, perhaps thank Harold Wilson for refusing to take us into the Vietnam War?


Thanking the UK public for not voting a Party with a leader as uneducated and illiterate as Reagan et al, especially Dubya! :hihi:

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Reagan gave the coup de grace to the Communist Empire and Bush Jnr did a lot for AIDS victims in Africa.


What has any UK leader done that's been worth a s**t to the world in the last 5 decades ?


We've backed you up with most things :D aside from that we offer comedy value.

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........a leader as uneducated and illiterate as Reagan et al....


Reagan left High School he was in the top 8% of his class.

He paid for his own College education despite the impact of the depression.

He studied rhetoric, French, English Literature, history, mathematics and led a student strike which ousted the Principal.

He graduated in economics and social science.


He was much affected by his fathers alcoholism and used education, literature and acting to create an image/shield which made him a college favourite.


His official biographer having observed and communicated with him for many years asked Reagan about his enigmatic and mysterious ways.

"But, I'm an open book." Reagan replied.

"Yes, Mr President," Morris replied, "but all your pages are blank."

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Reagan gave the coup de grace to the Communist Empire and Bush Jnr did a lot for AIDS victims in Africa.


What has any UK leader done that's been worth a s**t to the world in the last 5 decades ?


Just off the top of my head. The Intervention in Kosovo was led by a British PM, also wasn't it a British PM who worked tirelessly to get as many countries behind America in Iraq. There was the intertvention in Sierra Leone as well.


It has been said many times that Argentina's loss in the Falklands conflict led to that military Junta losing power in that country.

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Wow, so those two dullards had aides that did some decent work, besides their innate bungling and laughable idiocy? Well done, backroom staff on behalf of their moronic figureheads.


Bush Dubya also said to the Brazilian PM "So you have blacks, too!?" He cares about Africans, though? :hihi:


Last five decades, for starters, perhaps thank Harold Wilson for refusing to take us into the Vietnam War?


Thanking the UK public for not voting a Party with a leader as uneducated and illiterate as Reagan et al, especially Dubya! :hihi:


All leaders have backroom staff. They are called advisers. I dont know any leader in any major democracy who would be without staff who are experts in such vital matters as economics, defence and foreign affairs. Even old Etonian David Cameron doesnt run the ship of state by himself.


Why ridicule Ronald Reagan. He fooled Gorbachev about Star Wars technology enough for the Soviets to believe that the US was so far ahead in the development of the program that it went a long way to influencing Gorbachev into believeing that Russia could no longer afford to try to maintain parity in missile defence technology. The Soviet Union was just about ready to fall apart anyway but Reagan's policy of encouraging and receptivness towards Gorbachev's idea of Glasnost was the first step in ending the Cold War.


I'm no great fan of George Bush Junior but the fact remains that his policy in helping the AIDS program in Africa with which he was involved for many years must deserve credit.


One of several reasons I left the UK in 1965 was the election of Harold Wilson the previous year. I knew even then that after five or more years of his administration and policies the country would end up going to the dogs... ..and it did.

His disasteroue legacy which included the demise ot the British car, ship building and steel industry and the country's otherwise general decline as a major industrial nation was largely a result of his government and his policies.


The miners, the unions and I suspect the Communist Party owned Wilson lock, stock and barrel.


I believe that because of Wilson's policies and the country's economic and industrial decline led to a massive change in voter opinion and which enabled Thatcher and a Conservative government to take power later on.


Aside from Wilson however the Uk has had it's own numpties when it comes to leaders.


Remember Anthony Eden, Alex Douglas Home and Edward Heath? Or are you too young to remember anything of that period?


---------- Post added 29-07-2013 at 19:57 ----------


Just off the top of my head. The Intervention in Kosovo was led by a British PM, also wasn't it a British PM who worked tirelessly to get as many countries behind America in Iraq. There was the intertvention in Sierra Leone as well.


It has been said many times that Argentina's loss in the Falklands conflict led to that military Junta losing power in that country.


While true it was Clinton's policy of bringing the war home to the Serbs in Yugoslavia that finally brought that war to an end.


Argentina before the military junta took over was a nation in a near state of anarchy. Terror attacks and kidnappings by Argentinian Leftists led to the military junta taking power. The junta dealt with it in a very brutal manner however and thousands of Argetinians, some completely innocent disappeared during that time. The inevitable backlash which started to take place as a result led to the Junta deciding to divert public discontent by invading the Falklands..... however they underestimated Margaret Thatcher

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