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Oh Britain, Please Britain

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Listening to the news, or watching Newsnight .. or checking the BBC website for any news … I often end up with this impression: sometimes I feel the UK media pays more attention to news related to far away places ( an example would be the Middle East ) than what is happening here :confused:



correct me if you feel I am wrong :|

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I am purposely avoiding the news at the moment,as my gag reflexes can't take no more!

It does make you wonder though,what stories would have made the news this week,if the royal baby wasn't due.


It's silly season so not much, although 2000 Syrians have died since I typed this. Tragic, but not new sadly.

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2000 Syrians have died since I typed this


True. And I was sat on a beach in Rhodes last week reflecting that it was happening only 500 miles away.


That's like sitting on a beach in Devon while genocide takes place in Scotland.


If nothing else, the news reminds us how lucky we are.

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True. And I was sat on a beach in Rhodes last week reflecting that it was happening only 500 miles away.


That's like sitting on a beach in Devon while genocide takes place in Scotland.


If nothing else, the news reminds us how lucky we are.


Boy you know how to relax don't you Chumley.

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