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The Church of England and Wonga - a tale of hypocrisy

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But they won't use the tens of millions in their pension fund...............................


No, they'll keep that for their pensions. That's what it was supposed to be used for.


Are you complaining that they are using money for the purpose for which they said they were gong to use it? - If only all other companies (and politicians) had left pension funds alone!


The Church of England could've taught Maxwell (Blair, Brown, Darling and a long list of others) a thing or two, couldn't they?

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The church of england will stand by the poor when it suits them. When people were calling for a fairer system that is not so skewed against the poor, instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with them, as they should have done, the church took action to move the good people from their door.

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It's a very small indirect investment and the Archbishop has said on national radio that he's embarrassed by it and is committed to stopping it.


Furthermore he's pledging to use the not inconsiderable financial resources of the C of E to help undercut the loans companies that are making abscene profits from the poor.


I think that's to be applauded rather than condemned.


So they're in the money game up to their necks like the bankers then, having a spin at the roulette wheel themselves.

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Didnt Jesus throw the moneylenders from the temple :hihi:


my point exactly, it was the one thing that Jesus was adamant about, the church and money should not mix,


Given unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, give unto God the things that are God's.


I can appreciate the thought behind the statement, and God knows we need, we need – a conscience, someone to speak up for what's right. But I'm not sure the church is the right organisation to criticise a particular company. I'm not saying this person was right or wrong with her opinion, but what we need is another Mary Whitehouse, just point out the failings in some of these – too good to miss deals.

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The church of england will stand by the poor when it suits them. When people were calling for a fairer system that is not so skewed against the poor, instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with them, as they should have done, the church took action to move the good people from their door.


That's true. I hope Mr Welby is going to try and move things in the right direction.

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That's true. I hope Mr Welby is going to try and move things in the right direction.


So do I, but I'm not holding my breath. Churches are talking about charging interest and if they are going to get more back than we are getting interest on our savings in banks, then they are in effect 'money-making'. Whilst the church has an abundace of riches in all sorts of places, if they are charging the poor to borrow from them, it will not sit well with some people.

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