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Should you call women "mate"?

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With you on this.


My family enjoy the likes of TGI Friday but it absolutely grinds my gears when we are asked "Are you GUYS ready to order yet?"


My family consists of three girls (41, 13 and 10 years of age) and myself (age not disclosed). GUYS? Nope!


As for the OP, I wouldn't address a female with 'mate'; depending on whom I am talking to it's either 'luv' or well, nothing. Having said that, I use the term 'luv' when addressing males often enough (although usually those I know: it's safer that way!).


'Guy'refers to men. 'Guys' refers to a group of either sex, so it was perfectly reasonable for them to refer to your group as guys. It didn't seriously 'grind your gears' did it?



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I object most strongly at being called mate, especially by young kids on the check-out in Tesco.

I am not their mate.:rant:


They don't want to be you're mate either. I'm sure they are just been friendly. I say mate or pal but only in certain situations. If the person has gone out of their way for me (gone into the back to check something or get another item) rather than just scanning items through the checkout, then i'll say, thanks mate.


If you are on the till and scan my bread and milk through, you'll get a thanks without the mate.

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But is it ever OK to say it to a woman? I personally feel a bit uncomfortable saying 'love' or 'darling' or 'duck' or '****' because there have I recall been instances in which women found these or some of these offensive


Well "duck" is pretty ubiquitous in South Yorkshire, for both genders. Were these women from "elsewhere" by any chance?


I don't think I could ever call a woman darling unless we were very close. And ****? That's a bit like mate. More appropriate for males.

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