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The growing gap between the cost and decent human values

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Periodically over the last few years I have continued to being up a notion that the state kills the old and infirm through a subtle process where no individual ever is sanction,, looses their jobs, and the process continues unabated.


Between 30 and 35 thousand additional to the normal death rate, die whenever there is a cold snap, as the choice of death through hyperthermia or starvation are the stark choices available to the frail, old and ill.


The process is called neglect, and it’s a foolproof concept, where no one is responsible, and the treasury fails to complain as it saves money. Money like corporate profit being the most important value for certain sections of the population.


Well Osbourne is now laughing all the way to the bank as we have 600 additional deaths to the expected norm now heading for the crematorium, or burial ground every week, and the numbers are steadily rising as they have for the last 3 years. 600 pensions saved, hundreds of homes up for sale as relatives cash in, every week, as the funeral bells toll.


I personally think its an outrage, but then being in a minority of one, as no one really cares a jot, or are not interested or try and play the one upmanship, got the biggest balls game, as personality obscures facts, and existing situations.


One can do nothing on one’s own, as workers found out prior to the formation of trade unions. Numbers count, not individuals, who are easily dismissed as unrepresentative. I am not asking anyone to start trouble, just keep in mind this minor but growing genocide sanctioned through neglect. We all know the managers in the hospitals make the staff run round like headless chickens in the tick box, foundation trust rush. People are promoted and the system and few people driven mad by the workload get the blame for the neglect. People do not go into the low paid job of caring, for anything more than driven by the want to help, unless you are slick manager who fiddles the figures, and blames the system.


Neglect, or forced neglect, through work pressures, low staff numbers will never be rectified if the modern values of knowing the price and forgetting the values continues. So enough of my rant, one gets upset with the degree of growing unfairness, perpetrated by those supposedly responsible, the elected and non elected variety.

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there have been two high-profile cases lately of patients with locked in syndrome, both asking for permission for the relatives or friends to help them to die, in both cases this has been rejected by the highest courts in the land, euthanasia is not allowed in this country.


Liverpool pathway, on the other hand, is allowed, this is where you refuse water, food, medication and other treatments to elderly patients already in hospital. This is helping them Passover, not euthanasia – they could have fooled me, this treatment is now under review, and it will probably be abolished within the next 12 months. I feel sorry for any elderly person in hospital that has to undergo this treatment without permissions being sought from either the patient or relatives.


We are getting to be a country where the old and infirm are less than second-class citizens, our pension rights are the lowest in modern-day Europe i.e., France, Germany, Spain.


If God/Allah permits, we will all get old and not everybody is financially independent, so why is it that rich relatively young politicians can dictate, 1, who dies in hospital from dehydration due to this Liverpool pathway, 2, who dies from malnutrition, cold, or neglect, due to insufficient funds?

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I thought the LiIverpool pathway had been scrapped? (Isn't there a thread about this elsewhere on the forum?)


Perhaps it's being replaced with the Cardiff pathway - where you die while waiting for an operation.


(There are other pathways. where they tell you to go home and die. - At least they're honest.)


I read a post on another thread where the poster said: "At least we don't have the American system of healthcare."


If it floats your boat - go for it!


I'll stick with the (expensive) system I've got, thanks.

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It's taking 12 months to scrap. Why?


It's going to get replaced with something (I know not what) so the relevant people need training and clear procedures put in place - which to be honest was really all the lcp needed anyway. End of life is a difficult issue for everyone concerned. Binning Liverpool care pathway (rightly in my view, in its current format) won't change those issues.

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if old people are dying of hyperthermia they should turn the radiators down
A lot of people won't get your sarcasm and think you're just advocating killing off the oldies.


If you want to make a point about someone's spelling or using the incorrect medical term, why not just say so? :rolleyes:

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Periodically over the last few years I have continued to being up a notion that the state kills the old and infirm through a subtle process where no individual ever is sanction,, looses their jobs, and the process continues unabated.


Between 30 and 35 thousand additional to the normal death rate, die whenever there is a cold snap, as the choice of death through hyperthermia or starvation are the stark choices available to the frail, old and ill.


The process is called neglect,

Given that the state isn't actually responsible for looking after people, how can it neglect them?

and it’s a foolproof concept, where no one is responsible, and the treasury fails to complain as it saves money. Money like corporate profit being the most important value for certain sections of the population.


Well Osbourne is now laughing all the way to the bank as we have 600 additional deaths to the expected norm now heading for the crematorium,

Due to the current cold snap?

or burial ground every week, and the numbers are steadily rising as they have for the last 3 years. 600 pensions saved, hundreds of homes up for sale as relatives cash in,

Perhaps the relatives should have done something to help...

every week, as the funeral bells toll.


I personally think its an outrage, but then being in a minority of one, as no one really cares a jot, or are not interested or try and play the one upmanship, got the biggest balls game, as personality obscures facts, and existing situations.


One can do nothing on one’s own, as workers found out prior to the formation of trade unions. Numbers count, not individuals, who are easily dismissed as unrepresentative. I am not asking anyone to start trouble, just keep in mind this minor but growing genocide

Really. Genocide.

sanctioned through neglect. We all know the managers in the hospitals make the staff run round like headless chickens in the tick box, foundation trust rush. People are promoted and the system and few people driven mad by the workload get the blame for the neglect. People do not go into the low paid job of caring, for anything more than driven by the want to help, unless you are slick manager who fiddles the figures, and blames the system.


Neglect, or forced neglect, through work pressures, low staff numbers will never be rectified if the modern values of knowing the price and forgetting the values continues. So enough of my rant, one gets upset with the degree of growing unfairness, perpetrated by those supposedly responsible, the elected and non elected variety.

You haven't actually spelled out what form this neglect takes, what action isn't taken that should be, or who is doing it, apart from the prime minister...

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