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UK jobs being advertised across the EU at taxpayers' expense

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From the Daily Telegraph “ Under an EU scheme partly funded by British taxpayers, all positions advertised in UK jobcentres also have to be offered to workers in European member states.

UK firms are given as much as £1,000 as a bonus for taking on the foreign workers.

The disclosure undermined comments made by Matthew Hancock, the business and skills minister, who called on UK bosses to stop taking the “easy option” of filling jobs with foreigners when they could train local workers instead.

The EU scheme offers foreigners hundreds of pounds of funding to pay for interviews in the UK, relocation costs and even English lessons.

Of the 1,450,490 jobs being advertised on the website, 808,659 were posts in the UK.

Germany is only advertising 267,517 jobs – a third of the UK’s total. Poland is advertising just 120 jobs on the site.

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Link or do we have to take your word for it?


Not that I don't believe you, I'm just surprised the UK Job centre managed to post all their applications up like that, they're so dis-organised they can barely manage their own let alone post them up in other places :hihi:

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The story is created by UKIP and refers to EURES which started 20 years ago.


The purpose of EURES is to provide information, advice and recruitment/placement (job-matching) services for the benefit of workers and employers as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons.


eg type in driver

All of Europe 3250 jobs

United Kingdom: 224 jobs


I did not know that UKIP policy was to deny British people from getting jobs in Europe.

I did not know that UKIP policy was to deny British employers from getting skilled workers from Europe.

I did not know that UKIP policy was to deny British people from getting education and training in Europe.


It is even funded by non-EU states whose status UKIP so admire- Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

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Telegraph say EURES say Poland has 120 vacancies available.


EURES actually say Poland has 14916 vacancies available.

indeed, i just ran a search on the site for all occupations and just poland and my result was


Poland: 14916 job(s) matched (38391 post(s)) Please note that a job vacancy can contain more than one post


so the telegraph AND ukip are lying to whip up anti europe hysteria as usual :hihi:

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indeed, i just ran a search on the site for all occupations and just poland and my result was


Poland: 14916 job(s) matched (38391 post(s)) Please note that a job vacancy can contain more than one post


so the telegraph AND ukip are lying to whip up anti europe hysteria as usual :hihi:



In your opinion of course,some of us (many) will have our own and come election time,they will have their say.

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