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Caroline Criado-Perez has received rape threats on Twitter for campaigning to have Jane Austen's picture on the £10 note



Can't understand why these twits have got so het up about it can you?



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I don't get it either. But then I don't understand why all the feministic harpies went mental when it was announced that Churchill was to feature on the £5 note, claiming that it's sexist to have all the notes with male figures


Erm hello?! There's a bloody woman on EVERY note and EVERY coin! Or do the harridans not consider the Queen a woman?

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Well sometimes I think people are looking for things to moan about, I never really noticed who was on which note, it's one of the quiz questions which I always can't answer too - I'll have to pay more attention now:hihi:

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I don't get it either. But then I don't understand why all the feministic harpies went mental when it was announced that Churchill was to feature on the £5 note, claiming that it's sexist to have all the notes with male figures


Erm hello?! There's a bloody woman on EVERY note and EVERY coin! Or do the harridans not consider the Queen a woman?

I think we can all guess which camp your feet are in ... :hihi:


I thought it was almost a trivial issue to invest so much time in, like you said cressida, I never really notice who's on the back of the notes. But having seen the vile hate campaign response, I can see now that for some neanderthals, it's far from a trivial issue for them to keep women down.


Suppose in some ways, the rise of the internet gives us the chance to see just how many warped, pathetic losers there are walking amongst us. :help:

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I don't get it either. But then I don't understand why all the feministic harpies went mental when it was announced that Churchill was to feature on the £5 note, claiming that it's sexist to have all the notes with male figures


Erm hello?! There's a bloody woman on EVERY note and EVERY coin! Or do the harridans not consider the Queen a woman?


She's not on the note because she's a woman, and if so I can't remember last what she contributed to the sciences, arts and literature. If she was a monkey our coinage and notes would have the likeness of such.


Many women have made great leaps in science, technology and the arts. Why is it that one of these "bloody women" have such a hard time being represented or recognised? And why is it when a force or movement argues for such, up pops the heads of misogynists with "bloody women" and "feminist harpies" as a means of defence?

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Caroline Criado-Perez has received rape threats on Twitter for campaigning to have Jane Austen's picture on the £10 note



Can't understand why these twits have got so het up about it can you?



Caroline Criado-Perez is an idot. Theres a women on every banknote, on every coin and on almost every stamp. If a women not being on the front is such an issue for her then she should just turn her notes and coins around until the women side is facing her. Then she gets her wish and we dont have to hear her PC crap. Having said that, anyone who threatens rape or assault is mental and needs catching. Who knows, they may mean it!

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