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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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This sounds familiar




it was compulsorily purchased, ruined and then demolished in yet another of those acts of Council vandalism so beloved of Sheffield Labour Party in the 20th century.


It was one of the most beautiful places you can imagine. I can't think what passed for brains in SCC in those days, except spite and jealousy that it didn't belong to one of them.


They almost managed to do the same to the Bishops' House, but somehow it refused to die :)

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There's more about that here:



I believe that the Cabinet Decision has been "called in" by Council members and as such cannot be implemented until further consultation has taken place.


---------- Post added 19-08-2013 at 15:16 ----------



Cobnar Cottage:



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This seems like yet another act of utter stupidity on the part of the council. They have attempted this type of thing in the past and have received a good slapping for their efforts.

It is pretty clear that Friends of Graves Park will not allow this proposal to go unchallenged and will fight it all the way with the help of the Charities Commission, who are well aware of the council's form on their abuse of the Graves Park Charity and its assets. This will clearly cost the council far more than any potential receipt, and the chaces of them getting any receipt at all looks very slim indeed.

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There's an online petition been mounted by Graves Park ward Liberal Democrats that loads of people are signing:



It says: "We, the undersigned, believe that Graves Park - which was given to the people of Sheffield to enjoy forever - should be protected, and we oppose plans by Sheffield Labour Council to sell off Cobnar Cottage."

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I must have a wander up there and take a look, if some-one bought that shell they must of had an incredible amount of cash to bring it up to scratch, I really thought it would of fallen down and been demolished.

Which are the two disabled groups that use the park as I'd never heard of anything also what do they do in the park? If a building is listed it can be horrendous to make it fit for disabled access


I think one is called the Green Fingers Project. Young adults working within the Norton Nursery site. They help grow the plants for SCC, and sell some to the public. They absolutely love it. Pop in and see them!


I seem to recall hearing about another project further down Graves Park towards Cobnar Road. Something to do with wood working?

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Which are the two disabled groups that use the park as I'd never heard of anything also what do they do in the park? If a building is listed it can be horrendous to make it fit for disabled access


Why would they have any more problems with access than they do in their current rooms which have access via staircases in both instances.


---------- Post added 23-08-2013 at 17:23 ----------


I think one is called the Green Fingers Project. Young adults working within the Norton Nursery site. They help grow the plants for SCC, and sell some to the public. They absolutely love it. Pop in and see them!


I seem to recall hearing about another project further down Graves Park towards Cobnar Road. Something to do with wood working?


The other guys are called Finishing Touches and they manufacture garden furniture from pergolas to garden benches and planters.

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Why would they have any more problems with access than they do in their current rooms which have access via staircases in both instances.


Some disabilities may not need much in the way of adaptations but if a lift had to be fitted or ramps and even fireproofing escape routes from a building can get incredibly difficult if a building is listed. For example the old family home of the Bagshaw family in Oakes park is a grade two listed building. It is now a childrens holiday home but they had to fit an extra emergency staircase in without damaging the fabric of the building. It couldn't be an external fire escape as that wasn't considered suitable, the two existing staircases could not be made completely fire proof. They managed eventually to tuck a staircase in a cupboard leading up to a similar cupboard on the next level.

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Why would they have any more problems with access than they do in their current rooms which have access via staircases in both instances.


Some disabilities may not need much in the way of adaptations but if a lift had to be fitted or ramps and even fireproofing escape routes from a building can get incredibly difficult if a building is listed. For example the old family home of the Bagshaw family in Oakes park is a grade two listed building. It is now a childrens holiday home but they had to fit an extra emergency staircase in without damaging the fabric of the building. It couldn't be an external fire escape as that wasn't considered suitable, the two existing staircases could not be made completely fire proof. They managed eventually to tuck a staircase in a cupboard leading up to a similar cupboard on the next level.


I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make. The Oakes in Oakes Park is a huge mansion 3 floors high. Chantrey Cottage is nothing more than a normal residential house and presents no more problem than the current buildings accessed by the charities operating from within the park.

So everything you have posted is irrelevant.

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I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make. The Oakes in Oakes Park is a huge mansion 3 floors high. Chantrey Cottage is nothing more than a normal residential house and presents no more problem than the current buildings accessed by the charities operating from within the park.

So everything you have posted is irrelevant.


It is listed though it's a grade two although I've no idea whether that's the entire building inside and out or just part of it.. So if it was going to be used by the public and possibly vulnerable public then to get it to a required standard may not be possible or could cost far too much to make it worthwhile.

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