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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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I don't want to perpetuate this nonsense by keeping the thread at the top of the page.


I rather think that the reason why you don’t want to keep this thread at the top of the page is because it is a continuing reminder of

1) that you and Foxy Lady (and a small number of others) have persisted in asserting – in a rather bullying sort of way - that what was being proposed was unlawful and not in the interests of the people of Sheffield and not in accordance with the Graves’ bequest, and that you were so certain of the legal position that it would end up in the courts and the decisions of the Trustees would be overturned and they would personally have to pay the legal costs…, and

2) the absurdity of the alternatives being proposed – either spend £27 thousand knocking the cottage down and landscaping the site (Friends Proposal 1) or let the cottage to an unidentified stonemason, for an indeterminate period, at nil rent, for unspecified outcomes (Friends Proposal 2) for which it was not possible to produce even the simplest business case


And the reality is that:

1) The Trustees decisions were lawful

2) Their decision to sell Cobnar Cottage (which had never had any public access nor public benefit) and to re-invest the proceeds of the sale in many different improvements to the Park for the benefit of a whole variety of users is clearly the right one.


If you look back over the thread, people like me – who thought the Trustees were taking the right decision – were abused and vilified.


So, if you don’t mind – absent even the hint of an ‘OK, we might have got it wrong’ and ‘Sorry for abusing you for holding a different view’ – I might be tempted to ensure that this thread is regularly revived and brought to attention.

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can anyone answer me the question of if the cottage stayed in council hands what benefit and enjoyment would it have brought to the park for the public ?

would it be more or less than it still being in the park but in private hands ?


never mind that im still waiting for an answer to my question:P


also "IF" it was found to have been unlawfully sold ( i dont believe it was) what would the Freinds of group want to happen bearing in mind the new owner is in and renovating it as we speak???

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We await the legal action from Foxy Lady with baited breath. Until then all the arguing and ranting is superfluous.


Perhaps Foxy Lady or Robin-H could give us a regular update....say monthly?


And, if they forgot, perhaps one of us could remind them?


---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 19:59 ----------


never mind that im still waiting for an answer to my question:P


also "IF" it was found to have been unlawfully sold ( i dont believe it was) what would the Freinds of group want to happen bearing in mind the new owner is in and renovating it as we speak???


I'm sure that they would have asked you to spell 'Friends' correctly first...


...and then advised that this wouldn't be their problem because, if they had had their way, Cobnar Cottage would have been flattened and landscaped by now.

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Perhaps Foxy Lady or Robin-H could give us a regular update....say monthly?


And, if they forgot, perhaps one of us could remind them?


---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 19:59 ----------



I'm sure that they would have asked you to spell 'Friends' correctly first...


...and then advised that this wouldn't be their problem because, if they had had their way, Cobnar Cottage would have been flattened and landscaped by now.


I told myself I wasn't going to get sucked into this nonsense again but here I am..


Localman - you claim that I have 'persisted in asserting – in a rather bullying sort of way - that what was being proposed was unlawful'.


Please can you provide some evidence of that. I had not once said or claimed that the sale was unlawful - I have stated that the previous sale of Chantrey Cottage was found to be unlawful (which it was) and that I was therefore surprised that this sale was found to be acceptable by the Charity Commission.


I stated that the sale breaks a covenant, which it did. That does not make the sale unlawful, and I have never asserted that it does. It does however open up the possibility for future recourse.


I stated that the Friends of Graves park were apparently pursuing legal action to try and get the sale to be found to be ultra vires, but that I did not expect that the legal action would successful.


I also stated that had the council outlined from the beginning their intentions and had there been proper community consultation involving the Friends of Graves then they wouldn't have encountered the opposition that they did.


Your claims that I have said any of this is a bullying matter are quite serious. I totally refute that I have said anything in such a matter, and I ask that you provide evidence to the contrary.


It is not the first time you have made such a claim - the last time I asked for evidence I believe the only statements of mine you could gather to support your claim was 'breaking a legal covenant' . I am aghast how you could claim that the phrase 'break a legal covenant' could be considered rude or bullying.


So I ask you again - please can you provide some evidence of when I have spoken in a bullying manner about this matter.


Finally, other than a few posts on this thread I have absolutely nothing to do with Graves Park and have given it absolutely no thought for months.


Why you insist on demanding that I speak on the behalf of the Friends of Graves Park I have absolutely no idea. Why on earth would I provide monthly updates about a case I a) have absolutely nothing to do with and b) have very little interest in?

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