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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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Localman, I am still waiting for the evidence I requested regarding the accusations you have made about me.


Of course, they weren’t baseless.


You, yourself, have assembled a selection of extracts from your postings which, originally appearing to coincide with those of Foxy Lady, gave the impression of a systematic attempt to bully and dismiss those of us who took a different view from yourselves.


I must say that I am somewhat confused by your assertions that you ‘have absolutely nothing to do with and little interest in’ the Friends of Graves Park, but that ‘had there been proper community consultation involving the Friends of Graves then they (the council) wouldn't have encountered the opposition that they did.’


Other than what I read here and in the local newspapers, I have no idea what discussions took place between the Council and the Friends. But I have to assume that it included the same information that I was able to analyse to reach a judgement.


My reading was that the Friends were simply unable to consider any solution which involved a sale of the Cottage, not that there was any problem in the timing or availability of information about the issues.


Whatever, if you feel that I have traduced your position, I apologise.


Meanwhile, you - like me and many others - must still be waiting for a statement about the much-promised legal action.


Perhaps Foxy Lady could appraise us all.

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Of course, they weren’t baseless.


You, yourself, have assembled a selection of extracts from your postings which, originally appearing to coincide with those of Foxy Lady, gave the impression of a systematic attempt to bully and dismiss those of us who took a different view from yourselves.


I must say that I am somewhat confused by your assertions that you ‘have absolutely nothing to do with and little interest in’ the Friends of Graves Park, but that ‘had there been proper community consultation involving the Friends of Graves then they (the council) wouldn't have encountered the opposition that they did.’


Other than what I read here and in the local newspapers, I have no idea what discussions took place between the Council and the Friends. But I have to assume that it included the same information that I was able to analyse to reach a judgement.


My reading was that the Friends were simply unable to consider any solution which involved a sale of the Cottage, not that there was any problem in the timing or availability of information about the issues.


Whatever, if you feel that I have traduced your position, I apologise.


Meanwhile, you - like me and many others - must still be waiting for a statement about the much-promised legal action.


Perhaps Foxy Lady could appraise us all.


Repeating your assertions doesn't make them true. I am asking for examples of where I have been bullying, or indeed where I have said that the sale of the cottage was unlawful.


Either provide such evidence, or retract what you said.

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Repeating your assertions doesn't make them true. I am asking for examples of where I have been bullying, or indeed where I have said that the sale of the cottage was unlawful.


Either provide such evidence, or retract what you said.


I haven't made any assertions. I have simply reminded you of your assertions - see your Post above.


Move on.

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I haven't made any assertions. I have simply reminded you of your assertions - see your Post above.


Move on.


Then what do you call this (from post #501)..


1) that you and Foxy Lady (and a small number of others) have persisted in asserting – in a rather bullying sort of way - that what was being proposed was unlawful


That is a direct quote from you.


I will repeat what I wrote in a earlier post. Your claims that I have said anything in a bullying matter are quite serious. I totally refute that I have said anything in such a matter, and I ask that you provide evidence to the contrary.


It is not the first time you have made such a claim - the last time I asked for evidence I believe the only statements of mine you could gather to support your claim was 'breaking a legal covenant' . I am aghast how you could claim that the phrase 'break a legal covenant' could be considered rude or bullying.


So I ask you again - please can you provide some evidence of when I have spoken in a bullying manner about this matter.

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